(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:05 PM
steroid use at your gym

prevalent? no? there are maybe ten high school kids here that are fucking stacked. little necks, 5' nothing, pumpkin delts, like bigger than their heads. hopefully they sterlilize themselves

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

There's a few at Planet Fitness, less < 1%. One guy in particular is on the short side but jacked like a pro wrestler. Big fish, little pond?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Outside of maybe a couple trainers/bros I don't think anyone at my gym is juicing. I go to a smaller gym, though.

(Post Master Sr)
10/06/14 09:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

All over the place here. Got offered alot during summer. Fkrs try and make it out to be no big deal. Huge dudez though.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

back home (oakland) I had no fucking clue because urban demographic

10/06/14 09:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

My city seems to have a trend where one gym is where all the juicers go, then after so long they move to a different gym because it's the place to be for whatever reason. My gym is the once to be right now apparently, in almost 5 years of going I've never seen so many juicers aty gym before, annoying sometimes but overall entertaining

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BaefyBaef
They're lifting heavy, you're not?

they are lifting light, which cements the theory

hang on bro I gotta bench 100lbs

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Do a good stack, you'll love it guaranteed.

(Post Master Sr)
10/06/14 09:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

How can you tell if someone is juicing?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Monarchcx
How can you tell if someone is juicing?

They double in size and call everybody 'brah'

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:23 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Quite a few.
See these canon ball delt and big traps lifting the same pussy shit year after year yet they look jacked.

There are a few doing it right though and have some amazing strength.

One guy I know went from around 220 to 270 in like 6 months lol totally natty bro.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

My clubhouse has a decent gym with a real squat rack and barely any people, so I've been going there since I just got back into lifting. Eventually I'll have to hit a regular gym again.

My last gym had about 5 juicers. One of them held a power lifting record for a few years. The others were bodybuilder types.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You can also smell when someone is on a cycle as well. Pretty easily I might add.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Too many brown guys masking that ;\)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I work out at home and I was on steroids for a misdiagnosed hand injury. Does that count?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 09:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
Too many brown guys masking that ;\)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

yeah, it's all over the gym with the 20-25 yo crowd. All these kids do it wrong though. Bloated/fat with face/back acne. They think they look good cause their stocky but really they just look like shit. Actual steroid use, by guys that look awesome and know what they're doing is rare. Usually those dudes are in their mid 30's.

Disclaimer: I haven't been to the gym in over a year

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I don't see it at my local Y \:D

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Dont really see anyone I suspect of being on anything at the 24 hour fitness around here. I assume the big guys got that way because they put in work. I see so many people at the gym that are just there eating up space, putting up 135 and just wasting time.

If those people actually decided that they wanted to even lift, they'd be as big as those who they accuse of being on roids.

Brofessor sums it up here... "Everyone is on Juice"


Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Plenty here at LA fitness, I am going to go on a limb and say that it's a lot more harder to find someone who isn't juicing. I only know this because I know the guy that sells to the whole gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BaefyBaef
They're lifting heavy, you're not?


(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Half of my gym is on something. It's ridiculous.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs

Disclaimer: I haven't been to the gym in over a year

How do you maintain your sexy? (no homo)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:35 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: BaefyBaef
They're lifting heavy, you're not?


steroids: hidden in sour patch kids

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

op is like, people in the gym lifting weights look weird, but first let me give you guys a bicep shot

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 10:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
op is like, people in the gym lifting weights look weird, but first let me give you guys a bicep shot

six years of dieting:

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 11:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
Dont really see anyone I suspect of being on anything at the 24 hour fitness around here. I assume the big guys got that way because they put in work. I see so many people at the gym that are just there eating up space, putting up 135 and just wasting time.

If those people actually decided that they wanted to even lift, they'd be as big as those who they accuse of being on roids.

To be fair, not everyone is there to bulk. I do the basics to maintain conditioning during my longer training runs. Back squats and deadlifts have made a huge difference in my recovery.

Got approached by a group of snarky kids once about it. As I walked to the treadmill I responded, "ask me again in 90 minutes when I'm done here."

They pretty much shut up after that.

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 11:23 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Lolz at 137 vs killerbee

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 11:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
Lolz at 137 vs killerbee

He had to drag his red cooter into this.

10/06/14 11:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I would think this is a problem which money has a cure for...not sure why Op suffers this indignity.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/06/14 11:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
I would think this is a solution which money has a cure for...not sure why it's Op suffers this indignity.

Are you drunk

10/06/14 11:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
I would think this is a solution which money has a cure for...not sure why it's Op suffers this indignity.

Are you drunk

buzzed, yes, thanks for noticing!

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:01 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I see guys blood doping at the trailhead daily.

Professor PakiAdministrator
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:21 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

No one juicing in my gym, except when oz jr wanders in with his oj.

Come to think of it, he's been mean muggin me lately. Guess I'm gonna have to slap two plates on and make him listen to them CLANK. Show his 3yr old punkazz.

The Roofus
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
yeah, it's all over the gym with the 20-25 yo crowd. All these kids do it wrong though. Bloated/fat with face/back acne. They think they look good cause their stocky but really they just look like shit. Actual steroid use, by guys that look awesome and know what they're doing is rare. Usually those dudes are in their mid 30's.

Disclaimer: I haven't been to the gym in over a year

That's because 90% (I made that up) of the guys out there who cycle never use post cycle therapy and use roids over 15% body fat.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:25 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

The gym I used to work at had a huge clientele of juicers - including a lot of the trainers. Back in the day, the men's change room had a safe disposal box for all of the needles

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:25 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

10/07/14 07:06 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: 137
op is like, people in the gym lifting weights look weird, but first let me give you guys a bicep shot

six years of dieting:

Anybody ever tell you that you look like Kahl Drogo after a few Big Macs?

10/07/14 07:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Monarchcx
How can you tell if someone is juicing?
Acne, especially back acne. Smelly people.

Steroid use is far more common than I bet a lot of people think.

I work at home but my old gym had a few I was convinced were on them.

A lot of people never grow at all because they lift incorrectly or too light.

KB and 137, lol...too different guys. 1 strong and chubby and another weak and skinny. Not sure why you guys even care.

Seacrest, OUT!
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 08:31 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Everyone at my gym looks like this, and i'm convinced that's where they got their muscle (the yard):

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 08:35 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Slim at mine, hipsters and artsy fucks.

There is this one jacked old legend who can move some serious weight for his age. He's been on/off for years.

Pretty much...if you suspect someone is on, mostly likely they are. The puffy dude bros ran rampant at my gyms in college.

(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 08:40 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

When i went to the local muscle mecca it was pretty much 50-60% of the people in there had some PED going on. Now i am just at a local anytime fitness and i while there is only about 40 regulars i see in there on a weekly basis. There is probably 5-8 that are heavy users.

It is extremely common in my area.

Another tip off. Tiny bald/balding heads.

10/07/14 08:49 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Pretty much...if you suspect someone is on, mostly likely they are. The puffy dude bros ran rampant at my gyms in college.
Pretty much.

Humans just don't get that big naturally, especially amateurs.

This guy probably has the smallest nuts in the world.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:02 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It's usually obvious if they are juicing. There is a certain thickness where someone doesn't really get to naturally. It is very common to see a bloated looking gut too. They can have a 6-pack, but their stomachs stick out quite a bit.

Many people are just used to years of Muscle and Fitness with a jacked guy on the cover claiming to be all natural when he was anything but, so they think people can look like that with just hard work/diet.

I think juicing is just becoming incredibly common now too. My wife works with a guy who has a scrawny SO. He just deciding one day he was going to juice and workout lol Ares.

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

This is one of the reason it never insterested me. I have no clue what to do. Plus, like most illegal things, I'd have to find a dealer for it and trust the product was safe.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Pretty much...if you suspect someone is on, mostly likely they are. The puffy dude bros ran rampant at my gyms in college.
Pretty much.

Humans just don't get that big naturally, especially amateurs.

This guy probably has the smallest nuts in the world.

I met Jay once at a show, relaxed and not competing. When RELAXED, you could drive a Prius through the veins in his forearms.

You get used to looking at pictures of these guys, but it's just inhuman in person.

Oh, and Ronnie Coleman is literally half the size he was when competing:

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:12 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Wow, Ronnie looks weird.

10/07/14 09:13 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

He's 50, to be expected from a deflated juicer I guess.

Those forearms are still nasty strong looking. \:o

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:15 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Funny thing is, he might have come back since then. I don't follow it that closely.

I can't imagine doing anything that extreme to my body, even if I could. I think one of the most valuable "skills" the top level guys have is their constitution. Most of us would probably drop over dead if we used like these guys use. Ha.

Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:19 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Not too many at my gym that I can pick out. It's yuppie heaven just east of one of the wealthiest parts of town so it's full of hot mommies and college chicks. There is one dude who's 65+ and has the gnarliest most cut arms I've seen with a vein the size of my aorta running down his bicep.

10/07/14 09:20 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I assume he's competing still? With other older guys, I would guess.

Yeah, the white dude just drinks shakes and eats bananas.

lol I srsly doubt he can grab his penis.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:24 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I doubt Coleman is doing anything these days except for getting paid to be Ronnie Coleman.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:28 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I workout too early in the AM to see anybody that fits the bill (there's only a handful of people working out, most using cardio machines). In the event that I workout in the evening when it's crowded I see some questionable folks, but even then, I'm not one that really sticks out as an obvious juice-head.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:29 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: 137
op is like, people in the gym lifting weights look weird, but first let me give you guys a bicep shot

six years of dieting:

Say brah, at least post a recent picture. \:\|

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:31 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

To answer the question, single digit % users during prime time at my big box gym. At odd workout times, you see older clearly wealthy guys who are jacked/lean who I suspect are using. But, hey, good on them. I might be there some day. They lookin' good.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:32 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

137 blows my mind.

The dedication to gross baffles me.

10/07/14 09:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

a little trt may not be a bad thing ;\)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:36 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
a little trt may not be a bad thing ;\)

No doubt. No judgement here. I'm not even kidding, I don't want to fall off when I get older. Meanwhile, it seems to be moving more and more into the mainstream. Almost boutique-like. If they get it down to a science, sign me up. I need to be 60 and flexin' on niggaz.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:38 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric

One guy I know went from around 220 to 270 in like 6 months lol totally natty bro.

Peanut butter and egg whites, brah.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:40 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Maybe he was the guy who "got too big" when he started lifting weights? \:o

You guys know what I'm talking about. "I want to start lifting, but I don't want to get too big."

"OK bro, get started and we'll keep on eye on you to make sure your muscles don't get too out of hand too quickly....."

10/07/14 09:41 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
a little trt may not be a bad thing ;\)

No doubt. No judgement here. I'm not even kidding, I don't want to fall off when I get older. Meanwhile, it seems to be moving more and more into the mainstream. Almost boutique-like. If they get it down to a science, sign me up. I need to be 60 and flexin' on niggaz.
Same....get dat shit healthy and safe and I'm down.

But small nuts, rage and acne and later more health problems? No thx.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:41 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Johnso, stop being a pussy and just get on some hgh.

OB1, why are you worried about the small nuts? You've mentioned it like 3 times already.

10/07/14 09:41 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Maybe he was the guy who "got too big" when he started lifting weights? \:o

You guys know what I'm talking about. "I want to start lifting, but I don't want to get too big."

"OK bro, get started and we'll keep on eye on you to make sure your muscles don't get too out of hand too quickly....."
The same guy "just needs to lose 15-20 pounds".

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:42 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Maybe he was the guy who "got too big" when he started lifting weights? \:o

You guys know what I'm talking about. "I want to start lifting, but I don't want to get too big."

"OK bro, get started and we'll keep on eye on you to make sure your muscles don't get too out of hand too quickly....."

10/07/14 09:44 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
OB1, why are you worried about the small nuts? You've mentioned it like 3 times already.

It's a roid side effect. This is a roid discussion.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:45 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Johnso, stop being a pussy and just get on some hgh.

Someday I just might. Right now, I'm still good to go.

Meanwhile, I'd have to enlist a real doctor that's HOPEFULLY on the up and up by that time.

(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 09:46 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

hCG, 250IU - 500IU 2x a week should minimize testicular atrophy.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:47 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
OB1, why are you worried about the small nuts? You've mentioned it like 3 times already.

It's a roid side effect. This is a roid discussion.

I know it's a side effect, but are you staring at your nuts everyday to even notice? You know what else is a side effect? A better sex drive and more blood volume (you can figure out the rest I'm sure..but here's a hint think about the penis)

10/07/14 09:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

lol better sex drive while losing your hardon and shrinking your nuts. That sounds like torture.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Maybe he was the guy who "got too big" when he started lifting weights? \:o

You guys know what I'm talking about. "I want to start lifting, but I don't want to get too big."

"OK bro, get started and we'll keep on eye on you to make sure your muscles don't get too out of hand too quickly....."

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
lol better sex drive while losing your hardon and shrinking your nuts. That sounds like torture.

How are you losing your hardon with all that extra blood volume (up to 20% if I'm not mistaken?) Magic? You fuck like a porn star when on the sauce, ask the guys that have done it

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:53 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

ITT: CSiers on roids

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:54 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
lol better sex drive while losing your hardon and shrinking your nuts. That sounds like torture.

How are you losing your hardon with all that extra blood volume (up to 20% if I'm not mistaken?) Magic? You fuck like a porn star when on the sauce, ask the guys that have done it

people with no experience with steroids talking about the side effects... lelz.

10/07/14 09:57 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
lol better sex drive while losing your hardon and shrinking your nuts. That sounds like torture.

How are you losing your hardon with all that extra blood volume (up to 20% if I'm not mistaken?) Magic? You fuck like a porn star when on the sauce, ask the guys that have done it

people with no experience with steroids talking about the side effects... lelz.

So you have experience to "lulz" at me? Or can you not read about the side effects?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:59 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You always seem to be pushing the gear hard, LNXGUY. Why tho? Meanwhile, you're sitting in a boat staring at nothing.

10/07/14 09:59 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
lol better sex drive while losing your hardon and shrinking your nuts. That sounds like torture.

How are you losing your hardon with all that extra blood volume (up to 20% if I'm not mistaken?) Magic? You fuck like a porn star when on the sauce, ask the guys that have done it
Maybe for some.

But while others are using them to get lean too, their body also shuts down "nonessential functions".

And there's this.
Much has been mentioned about the effects steroids have on the body. When taken in high amounts, steroids cause the testosterone level to fluctuate and this can lead to a number of sexual dysfunctions including erectile dysfunction. This is so because the body produces hormones similar to steroids in the reproductive organ of a man.

When steroids are used it tends to cause the body to stop producing the hormones and this will lead, in some men, to a temporary if not full loss of the ability to have and keep an erection.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:00 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
Dont really see anyone I suspect of being on anything at the 24 hour fitness around here. I assume the big guys got that way because they put in work. I see so many people at the gym that are just there eating up space, putting up 135 and just wasting time.

If those people actually decided that they wanted to even lift, they'd be as big as those who they accuse of being on roids.

Brofessor sums it up here... "Everyone is on Juice"


Some people are happy maintaining multiple sets of 20 or more reps at 135. Maybe their goal isn't how much they can lift but some other sort of fitness measurement.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:02 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
You always seem to be pushing the gear hard, LNXGUY. Why tho? Meanwhile, you're sitting in a boat staring at nothing.

I've done cycles in the past, I know the side effects good and bad.. It's not all shrunken balls and roid rage (as I'm sure you know)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:02 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: President Dope!
Everyone at my gym looks like this, and i'm convinced that's where they got their muscle (the yard):

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:03 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Dope is like an honorary black guy.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:06 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
You always seem to be pushing the gear hard, LNXGUY. Why tho? Meanwhile, you're sitting in a boat staring at nothing.

I've done cycles in the past, I know the side effects good and bad.. It's not all shrunken balls and roid rage (as I'm sure you know)

Results pics?

I trust this wasn't an Ares situation (which might have been the cluster fuck that literally dragged me into OT from SvA).

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Maybe for some.

But while others are using them to get lean too, their body also shuts down "nonessential functions".

Well no shit, did Google help you with out with mindblowing fact? I'll give you 30 mins to become a SME on the subject, then you can school us all, lol.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:11 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I live in sd, I'd say a majority at my old gym (24 hr lol) were on something.

10/07/14 10:12 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Maybe for some.

But while others are using them to get lean too, their body also shuts down "nonessential functions".

Well no shit, did Google help you with out with mindblowing fact? I'll give you 30 mins to become a SME on the subject, then you can school us all, lol.
Actually Google did.

It was enough to dismantle your claim and your weak anecdotal evidence.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:17 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Maybe he was the guy who "got too big" when he started lifting weights? \:o

You guys know what I'm talking about. "I want to start lifting, but I don't want to get too big."

"OK bro, get started and we'll keep on eye on you to make sure your muscles don't get too out of hand too quickly....."

My biggest pet peeve.

"Oh shit, I got too big - whatever shall I do!"

Ditto goes for women who think doing some weights = veiny clenis muscles.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:18 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
You always seem to be pushing the gear hard, LNXGUY. Why tho? Meanwhile, you're sitting in a boat staring at nothing.

I've done cycles in the past, I know the side effects good and bad.. It's not all shrunken balls and roid rage (as I'm sure you know)

Results pics?

I trust this wasn't an Ares situation (which might have been the cluster fuck that literally dragged me into OT from SvA).

This was a long time ago, over 15 years if I do my math correctly. Had a buddy who was in the game, did it right, loved it. At my leanest I was 205-210 at about 8-10%? Not shredded by any means. Now? 240lbs and I really need to get back into the gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:18 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Maybe for some.

But while others are using them to get lean too, their body also shuts down "nonessential functions".

Well no shit, did Google help you with out with mindblowing fact? I'll give you 30 mins to become a SME on the subject, then you can school us all, lol.
Actually Google did.

It was enough to dismantle your claim and your weak anecdotal evidence.

This is why people get sick of you. You can never admit to not being knowledgeable on a subject. Just give it a rest. You can keep doing Google searches until you're blue in the face, you're just making yourself look like the dumbass here.

10/07/14 10:19 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Oh its personal attack time? You're entire argument rests on "I've done cycles" and the web searches on medical data is wrong?

I see you edited the personal attack calling me short. I'm not saying I am an expert. I even said that I had to Google it. But please...prove me wrong instead of getting angry.

EDIT 2...JFC how many times are you going to edit?

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:22 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

aaaaannnnnddddd there goes another thread.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:23 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Oh its personal attack time? You're entire argument rests on "I've done cycles" and the web searches on medical data is wrong?

Your entire argument is plucking single factoids from Google. You can twist those any way you want to try and prove your point. So you're telling me what I experienced and what my buddies did is.....untrue?

Maybe some other members that have done cycles will pipe up, I'm willing to bet they'll be in line with me.

:EDIT: Personal attack removed, not usually my thing apologies.

10/07/14 10:23 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: zones
aaaaannnnnddddd there goes another thread.
I've done nothing wrong here. LNX is getting pissy, starting with the nuts comments.

I've learned later because he took it personally.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:24 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: zones
aaaaannnnnddddd there goes another thread.
I've done nothing wrong here. LNX is getting pissy, starting with the nuts comments.

I've learned later because he took it personally.

I'm just saying the nut shrinking seems like a huge deal, but it's really not. It's your nuts, they are still there when it's all said and done I just see more positives then negatives.

10/07/14 10:25 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Oh its personal attack time? You're entire argument rests on "I've done cycles" and the web searches on medical data is wrong?

Your entire argument is plucking single factoids from Google. You can twist those any way you want to try and prove your point. So you're telling me what I experienced and what my buddies did is.....untrue?

Maybe some other members that have done cycles will pipe up, I'm willing to bet they'll be in line with me.

:EDIT: Personal attack removed, not usually my thing apologies.
Googling Steroids and boner dysfunction gets a ton of hits.

I even said "maybe to some" in response to your "fuck like a porn" comment. Are you aware that results vary per person and dosage and quality? Like any drug?

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:25 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Oh its personal attack time? You're entire argument rests on "I've done cycles" and the web searches on medical data is wrong?

heh, i've challenged fitness thread mentalities by requesting medical evidence and was told it didn't apply...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:26 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

When will you start your new fat shredding cycle?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:26 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm curious as to when HGH will be legal?

10/07/14 10:27 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
I'm curious as to when HGH will be legal?
Oh damn...HGH and pot legalization would be so epic.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:28 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Ob1, you're using steroids as a blanket term for everything. Each steroid produces different positive and negative side effects. Some steroids make you very sexually active such as testosterone, some decrease your sex drive such as deca. Each one is completely different than the other

To say steroids do this, or steroids do that makes absolutely no sense at all

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:30 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: zones
aaaaannnnnddddd there goes another thread.
I've done nothing wrong here. LNX is getting pissy, starting with the nuts comments.

I've learned later because he took it personally.

Don't really care who started what. I guess it's just too hard for some to let it go and not drag it on for pages.

10/07/14 10:31 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
Ob1, you're using steroids as a blanket term for everything. Each steroid produces different positive and negative side effects. Some steroids make you very sexually active such as testosterone, some decrease your sex drive such as deca. Each one is completely different than the other

To say steroids do this, or steroids do that makes absolutely no sense at all
You just described why it makes sense...just that it isn't complete. Fine by me.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:32 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Seriously OB1, this is a great example of why you get fucked with so hard here. /notrollguarantee

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Oh its personal attack time? You're entire argument rests on "I've done cycles" and the web searches on medical data is wrong?

heh, i've challenged fitness thread mentalities by requesting medical evidence and was told it didn't apply...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
Ob1, you're using steroids as a blanket term for everything. Each steroid produces different positive and negative side effects. Some steroids make you very sexually active such as testosterone, some decrease your sex drive such as deca. Each one is completely different than the other

To say steroids do this, or steroids do that makes absolutely no sense at all

This. There are a lot of variables involved.

10/07/14 10:37 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Seriously OB1, this is a great example of why you get fucked with so hard here. /notrollguarantee
This is a prime situation, you're right.

Some people assume I'm saying I know everything. LNX saying "not true" isn't what I call factual evidence. His claim isn't any better than my Google search. Who's actually wrong or right is really irrelevant (we are both correct, as it seems)...but that the 2 positions were seriously mirror images of each other. However I was the only one who admitted to Google.

I think part of the problem, if not the main problem, is I take hard positions and language at whatever knowledge level I'm at within a given subject. I'm not easily swayed either, unless it's a fact (like here). People take that as a know-it-all but I don't claim to be. I just need hard evidence to be convinced.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:43 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I can agree with that ---^ I'm just giving you my 'hard evidence' from my own personal experiences.

Johnso: Soon man, soon! This shit is getting out of hand.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:46 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
lol better sex drive while losing your hardon and shrinking your nuts. That sounds like torture.

How are you losing your hardon with all that extra blood volume (up to 20% if I'm not mistaken?) Magic? You fuck like a porn star when on the sauce, ask the guys that have done it

people with no experience with steroids talking about the side effects... lelz.

So you have experience to "lulz" at me? Or can you not read about the side effects?

lifetime "natty" here, one of the nicest guys I've ever met. 6'4 and roughly 260lbs

(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 10:50 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

When you are on you will in fact fuck like a porn star. When you come off you will run the risk of having flaccid problems. A lot of factors would play into those results tho. Some people will take clomid to reduce those effects.
Small nuts can/will happen but its not like its something out of a comic either.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:52 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

lol natty

10/07/14 10:55 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

More importantly I'm curious how pointing out a natural guy has anything to do with what he quoted.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Testicular atrophy is the result of your body failing to produce testosterone on its own because it's being artificially supplied, by an outside source. This results in the "shrinking" of your balls. Though, you can't tell and neither can anyone else. It's not like they actually shrink visibly, it's more like they feel less, full? This is only a problem for the novice user. A more experienced user will take HCG (not HGH) to stimulate natural testosterone production and prevent this from happening. HCG is s subcutaneous injection and requires only a small insulin needle. The dosage is very low. Typically HCG is taken toward the end or second half of the cycle, however, some guys start low dosages immediately. Different schools of thought.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Seriously though, could you outline a typical "cycle". I'm curious as to how much, how often, how long, how many things.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I don't like the idea of storing and carting around my work like a drug addict with needles and such.

Is there any way to just take it rectally? You know, like a man?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:10 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
I don't like the idea of storing and carting around my work like a drug addict with needles and such.

Is there any way to just take it rectally? You know, like a man?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:34 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym


Hypothetical Cycle:

Testosterone-Enanthate - 250mg/week
Trenbolone Enanthate - 400mg/week

Each steroid is suspended in a solution, called an ester. This solution determines the absorbability of the steroid. Think of it as the "time-release" mechanism of the steroid. Some steroids have shorter esters and some have longer. A longer ester requires less frequent injections because its being absorbed slowly over time. A short ester absorbs quicker, however, requires frequent dosing.


Long acting ester: Enanthate - ~10 days
Short acting ester: Acetate - ~2 days

When purchasing steroids you can decide which ester you want. For example, there is Testosterone-Enanthate and Testosterone-Acetate.

The advantage to a shorter ester is the dosage is almost immediately absorbs into the blood stream. So if you wanted to take 250mg/week of Testosterone Acetate you would need to inject about 50mg every other day. The result is more stable blood plasma levels because the dosage is staying very consistent. The more stable your blood plasma level, the less likely your are to experience negative side effects. - The downside to Acetate is, you become a pin cushion. Injecting every other day can take a toll on your mental well-being. After 6 weeks or so most guys becomes so tired of injecting they cut they're cycle early. This is the advantage to Enanthate.

Enanthate allows you to inject that same 250mg, however all at once. Resulting in a once per week injection (I know the half-life is about 10 days, so there is a bit of an excess build-up, but its usually negligible). This is much more comfortable, from an injection frequency stand point. The downside is the solution is absorbed in a wave like pattern. With a small amount being absorbed in the beginning of the week, a larger portion in the middle of the week, and small amount tapering down towards the end of the week. My advice is to use an Enanthate solution, however, divide the weekly total into 2 dosages; so 125mg on Sunday, 125mg on Wednesday. This is the best of both worlds. You get the long lasting Enanthate ester and more stable blood plasma levels.

Okay... moving on...

Since we decided to get both Test and Tren in Enanthate, we can inject them on the same days at the same frequency. Remember, our cycle is 250mg/week Test and 400mg/week Tren. Since we're injecting twice per week we're going to need to load up the syringe with 125mg of Test and 200mg of Tren. You can pull from one vial and then the next. Inject the steroid into the location of your choosing. Thighs being the most popular.

Repeat this every week for 12 weeks.

Sometime around week 10 you're going to start taking HCG to increase your natural testosterone production. If you don't your body will go into a testosterone deficit (not just back to normal). This will cause you to lose all of those gains that you just spent 10 weeks working on. You want a smooth transition from on the cycle to off the cycle. You're going to take HCG for 4 weeks at a dosage of about 250-500iu/week. This gets injected into the skin of your stomach.

Around week 11 you're going to start taking the pill Nolvadex. I believe its 20mg/day for 4-6 weeks? I'm a bit rusty so I could be off. Nolvadex stops the conversion of excess Testosterone from turning into Estrogen. Helping eliminate side effects such as gynocomastia (swelling of the nipples) and also helping you keep your gains.

Once that's done, your cycle is complete. Stay off for about 3 months and then go back on and hit it again. 2 cycles per year and you'll be jacked.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:47 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym


Will recruit doctor who is breaking bad.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It's not that complicated. Guys on certain forums have great stacks laid out for you to follow if you want.

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Seriously OB1, this is a great example of why you get fucked with so hard here. /notrollguarantee
This is a prime situation, you're right.

Some people assume I'm saying I know everything. LNX saying "not true" isn't what I call factual evidence. His claim isn't any better than my Google search. Who's actually wrong or right is really irrelevant (we are both correct, as it seems)...but that the 2 positions were seriously mirror images of each other. However I was the only one who admitted to Google.

I think part of the problem, if not the main problem, is I take hard positions and language at whatever knowledge level I'm at within a given subject. I'm not easily swayed either, unless it's a fact (like here). People take that as a know-it-all but I don't claim to be. I just need hard evidence to be convinced.

ok... but how do you acquire your knowledge that you take a hard position on? real life experience, or internet reading?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:53 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26

Will recruit doctor who is breaking bad.

A good starter steroid is the pill Oral Turinabol. It's the "safest" steroid you can probably take. Slow gains but very high quality, lean muscle.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:58 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Good info. Thanks.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I didn't think any oral steroid would fall into a "safe(est)" category, hmm. That's interesting.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
I didn't think any oral steroid would fall into a "safe(est)" category, hmm. That's interesting.

Safest and cleanest are two different things. The side effects for Turinabol are extremely low compared to others.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
I didn't think any oral steroid would fall into a "safe(est)" category, hmm. That's interesting.

Normally I agree. Orals are terrible. But Turinabol has some of the lowest side effects of all steroids, injectables included. Turinabol is the anabolic steroid that was in many of those over-the-counter "pro-hormones" before they were made illegal.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Gotcha, gotcha. Thanks for dropping some knowledge!

Seacrest, OUT!
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
It's not that complicated. Guys on certain forums have great stacks laid out for you to follow if you want.

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs

A good starter steroid is the pill Oral Turinabol. It's the "safest" steroid you can probably take. Slow gains but very high quality, lean muscle.

links for both pls.

Seacrest, OUT!
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Also, Turinabol + magic weight loss nut = fucking unstoppable.

Who is going to test that theory with me?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Don't forget the Clen.

10/07/14 12:25 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Dope, why not just lift first before going straight to roids?

Seacrest, OUT!
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Dope, why not just lift first before going straight to roids?

Why? Ares proved that isn't needed.

10/07/14 12:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Did he? I have no idea what the ares reference is about. I've never even seen him.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: President Dope!

links for both pls.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Ares got swole doe \:\|

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: President Dope!
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Dope, why not just lift first before going straight to roids?

Why? Ares proved that isn't needed.

10/07/14 12:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26


(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:45 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


10/07/14 12:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: President Dope!

links for both pls.

Interesting. Is this something you can use for intermittent cycles or are the gains lost when you go off?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:52 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: President Dope!

links for both pls.

Interesting. Is this something you can use for intermittent cycles or are the gains lost when you go off?

I'm sure, like all roids, you will keep some if you maintain properly.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 12:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

you dont lose all your gains. thats hogwash

(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 01:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm sure, like all roids, you will keep some if you maintain properly.

depending on what your taking you might keep the gains if theyre not mostly water retention based. Just that swollen look. Testoterone injections were quite popular with some lifting buddys back in the day. Used to walk into mexico picking them up along with clenbuterol. Most of these guys ended up huge id say 50 muscle / 50 water swollen. Easy quick gains on strength and physical size. Once off the juice some physical gains would stay but strength decreased dramatically. They look overweight and flabby today though.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: President Dope!

links for both pls.

Interesting. Is this something you can use for intermittent cycles or are the gains lost when you go off?

Because Turinabol is a slow gainer, the muscle you build is more likely to be kept because its high quality, lean muscle. Not bloat or water weight like most other orals.

A typical dosage is 40mg/day, split evenly. 20mg at 8am, 20mg at 8pm. I think a 6 week cycle is perfectly fine, however, some people go as long as 8-12 weeks. I wouldn't recommend that for the first cycle though. Remember, although Turinabol has almost no estrogenic side effects its still toxic to your liver, like alcohol or aspirin, etc. Because of that you'll want to be as healthy as possible while taking it. Drink plenty of water, no beer, etc.

you'll want to take just as much time off as you spent on.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Would you happen to know if any of those 'liver support' pills help?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This "safe" oral stuff, it's all you take or do you need other shit too?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Corey is going to be a monster.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Bcaa's and creatine are as close as I'll get to steroids.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
This "safe" oral stuff, it's all you take or do you need other shit too?

Technically, almost every steroid should be taken in conjunction with Testosterone. However, my first few cycles were Turinabol only cycles and I had great results. I didn't start injecting for a year after starting Turinabol (Haladrol-50 was the over the counter turinabol supplement at the time).

edit: i think you may have meant Post Cycle Therapy.

In my opinion, the first cycle shouldn't need any post cycle meds. Maybe after a 1 or 2 you can get Nolvadex for coming off of Turinabol. Like I said though, Turinabol has almost no Estrogenic conversion so the need for anti-estrogens are low.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Isn't that shit the same Dbol people have been fucking themselves up with since like the 80s?

(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 01:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
This "safe" oral stuff, it's all you take or do you need other shit too?

Technically, almost every steroid should be taken in conjunction with Testosterone. However, my first few cycles were Turinabol only cycles and I had great results. I didn't start injecting for a year after starting Turinabol (Haladrol-50 was the over the counter turinabol supplement at the time).

edit: i think you may have meant Post Cycle Therapy.

In my opinion, the first cycle shouldn't need any post cycle meds. Maybe after a 1 or 2 you can get Nolvadex for coming off of Turinabol. Like I said though, Turinabol has almost no Estrogenic conversion so the need for anti-estrogens are low.

Won't Turinabol still suppress the HPTA, necessitating a SERM to help restart natural test production?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:23 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Isn't that shit the same Dbol people have been fucking themselves up with since like the 80s?

I think you're talking about Dianabol.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
This "safe" oral stuff, it's all you take or do you need other shit too?

Technically, almost every steroid should be taken in conjunction with Testosterone. However, my first few cycles were Turinabol only cycles and I had great results. I didn't start injecting for a year after starting Turinabol (Haladrol-50 was the over the counter turinabol supplement at the time).

edit: i think you may have meant Post Cycle Therapy.

In my opinion, the first cycle shouldn't need any post cycle meds. Maybe after a 1 or 2 you can get Nolvadex for coming off of Turinabol. Like I said though, Turinabol has almost no Estrogenic conversion so the need for anti-estrogens are low.

Won't Turinabol still suppress the HPTA, necessitating a SERM to help restart natural test production?

I think at higher dosages, frequent cycles, and longer durations HCG should be taken at the end of each cycle. It's always a safe bet to take HCG. I just don't think a first time, 40mg, 6 week cycle, will really call for it.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

So are people actually out there going and checking their ACTUAL testosterone production, estrogen levels, during a cycle? I just find it pretty odd to put this stuff in your body and then guess what you need/don't need and going by *feel* on how your body is reacting to it.

A lot of people talk about it, how it should be taken, not sure how many actually have quantifiable/verifiable data and everyone is glossing over the side effects.

I have two buddies that went down this path, safe steroids and all, one just had surgery to remove sh!t out of his chest glands...but it's just part of the cycle doe! Not to be a debbie downer on the subject, just trying to understand how people know quantities of what/when to take/what makes them so certain it's safe...or is everyone going on *best practices* and what worked on someone else's body who quantifiably monitored their status and assuming their body will react the same?

(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 01:39 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
Would you happen to know if any of those 'liver support' pills help?

They are called Vitamins.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

There are a lot more labs state side to keep on top of your own levels. Compared to here. Not that its not doable. Most start with best practices and go from there depending on how your body responds. There are doctors that can help you here. but obviously youll pay for it.

Or at least thats how you should do it. Not start with some crazy dosages.

Side effects will vary from person to person. just lke anything.

Or just do an ares and close your eyes and pray.

Seacrest, OUT!
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
a little trt may not be a bad thing ;\)

No doubt. No judgement here. I'm not even kidding, I don't want to fall off when I get older. Meanwhile, it seems to be moving more and more into the mainstream. Almost boutique-like. If they get it down to a science, sign me up. I need to be 60 and flexin' on niggaz.

Is that what all of those "low-t" clinics I hear advertising on sports radio all the time are? Places to get "legal" steriods?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

in about six months im going to do a crazy stack of hgh/test/deca/dbol.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:45 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

yup. whats considered normal is also up for debate. Its a pretty large range that some consider "normal" but being on either extreme of the scale is pretty significant.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
So are people actually out there going and checking their ACTUAL testosterone production, estrogen levels, during a cycle? I just find it pretty odd to put this stuff in your body and then guess what you need/don't need and going by *feel* on how your body is reacting to it.

A lot of people talk about it, how it should be taken, not sure how many actually have quantifiable/verifiable data and everyone is glossing over the side effects.

I have two buddies that went down this path, safe steroids and all, one just had surgery to remove sh!t out of his chest glands...but it's just part of the cycle doe! Not to be a debbie downer on the subject, just trying to understand how people know quantities of what/when to take/what makes them so certain it's safe...or is everyone going on *best practices* and what worked on someone else's body who quantifiably monitored their status and assuming their body will react the same?

You're not being a debbie downer at all. Steroids can be extremely dangerous. There are paid forums dedicated to the research and discussion of all sorts of steroids/brands/websites etc. Many of these forums provide in depth analyses of brands and their dosage. They also test the chemical make-up to ensure the product is legit and the company selling it is legit. Also, many manufacturers print holograms and lot numbers on their product, which can be verified through their website.

Knowing the product is legit and correctly dosed is half the battle. Taking it is another science altogether. Your friend, that got gynocomastia and had to get his glands removed, has no one to blame but himself. That's a symptom of being lazy and uneducated. He overdosed and didn't take the proper Post Cycle Therapy.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BritneySpears
 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
Would you happen to know if any of those 'liver support' pills help?

They are called Vitamins.

Fine. Would you happen to know if any of those 'liver support' vitamins help?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:48 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
You're not being a debbie downer at all. Steroids can be extremely dangerous. There are paid forums dedicated to the research and discussion of all sorts of steroids/brands/websites etc. Many of these forums provide in depth analyses of brands and their dosage. They also test the chemical make-up to ensure the product is legit and the company selling it is legit. Also, many manufacturers print holograms and lot numbers on their product, which can be verified through their website.

Knowing the product is legit and correctly dosed is half the battle. Taking it is another science altogether. Your friend, that got gynocomastia and had to get his glands removed, has no one to blame but himself. That's a symptom of being lazy and uneducated. He overdosed and didn't take the proper Post Cycle Therapy.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:48 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Its generally not advised to take liver support supplements when on a cycle.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:53 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Its not like 3 people are taking this stuff. They have been in heavy use for a long time now(starting in sports captain obvious). The proper information and protocol is out there. Although there is a lot of misinformation to potentially weed through.
How ones body reacts is a bit of a self experiment/gamble even when following proper protocol (and keeping track of your blood work) but you can be cautious when starting out.

most people probably just yolo it though and follow their "dealers" advice. Y0 bro its what I take. Look im jacked. Next up: moobs.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I took Anadrol once. Shit was no joke \:o

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I am really surprised at the number of people willing to do these drugs. I guess it's the result of various factors in my life (life experience + classes in school) that make me completely unwilling to take what several of you guys here are heavily in support of. Oh well, different strokes. Also, it's also notable that there's few medical professionals in here advocating these techniques for muscle gain.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: justthetip8.5
I am really surprised at the number of people willing to do these drugs. I guess it's the result of various factors in my life (life experience + classes in school) that make me completely unwilling to take what several of you guys here are heavily in support of. Oh well, different strokes. Also, it's also notable that there's few medical professionals in here advocating these techniques for muscle gain.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 01:58 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yeah, all this seems like too much risk/work. That's why serious fellows that I know literally have a doctor on call/administering. Still no guarantee, but I'd rather that than take JOEYBALL'S on the civic dot forums dot si word for it.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

A-Rod had a "doctor" administering. lol Dr. Nick working out of a strip mall.

10/07/14 02:02 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

At this point I'm just curious. I don't care what other people do. I've gotten stronger and bigger year over I can keep on going and I imagine I'll continue with more results.

Wouldn't hate on Joey, he hasn't claimed to be an expert. He only sent over what people asked.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

cronuts = steroids

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: RonnieColeman
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26


Anastasia Beaverhausen
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It's astonishing how many people are into this.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:11 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: justthetip8.5
I am really surprised at the number of people willing to do these drugs. I guess it's the result of various factors in my life (life experience + classes in school) that make me completely unwilling to take what several of you guys here are heavily in support of. Oh well, different strokes. Also, it's also notable that there's few medical professionals in here advocating these techniques for muscle gain.

Agreed. Health risks aren't worth it imo. I'd never consider any of this shit.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Ronnie Colemans arms are down to 17inches, he's been off of gear for quite some time, just had a double hip replacement as well and I believe he was having some heart trouble a few years back. I saw him in person at the la fit expo, dude was the size of a house in a 5'10 frame. maybe he was wearing 10 inch heels.

Anastasia Beaverhausen
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm telling all of your mothers. #roidgate

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Anastasia Beaverhausen
It's astonishing how many people are into this.

Are we talking CSi here? I'm only curious. I've been lifting since I bought my own gym at 14. I know absolutely zero about roids. I literally metastasized my knowledge in this thread, but I doubt I could even cut out the occasional drink in order to keep my liver from cirrhosissing the fuck out of my abdomen.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:29 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I don't know anything about roids either, and I have a fairly extensive lifting background. I actually thought about trying it a little over a year ago, but fell off the lifting wagon and forgot all about it.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

IIRC, even Joey had some pretty serious side effects with his heart, so he had to stop.

It's just not worth it, IMO.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
So are people actually out there going and checking their ACTUAL testosterone production, estrogen levels, during a cycle? I just find it pretty odd to put this stuff in your body and then guess what you need/don't need and going by *feel* on how your body is reacting to it.

A lot of people talk about it, how it should be taken, not sure how many actually have quantifiable/verifiable data and everyone is glossing over the side effects.

I have two buddies that went down this path, safe steroids and all, one just had surgery to remove sh!t out of his chest glands...but it's just part of the cycle doe! Not to be a debbie downer on the subject, just trying to understand how people know quantities of what/when to take/what makes them so certain it's safe...or is everyone going on *best practices* and what worked on someone else's body who quantifiably monitored their status and assuming their body will react the same?

You're not being a debbie downer at all. Steroids can be extremely dangerous. There are paid forums dedicated to the research and discussion of all sorts of steroids/brands/websites etc. Many of these forums provide in depth analyses of brands and their dosage. They also test the chemical make-up to ensure the product is legit and the company selling it is legit. Also, many manufacturers print holograms and lot numbers on their product, which can be verified through their website.

Knowing the product is legit and correctly dosed is half the battle. Taking it is another science altogether. Your friend, that got gynocomastia and had to get his glands removed, has no one to blame but himself. That's a symptom of being lazy and uneducated. He overdosed and didn't take the proper Post Cycle Therapy.

He said he took test/tren/masteron stacked in one injection and that's when sh!t hit the fan...but again not quantifiable. That's HE THINKS gave him issues...and this is my issue. People spread info using themselves as the test subject on what went wrong, without hard data.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:48 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
IIRC, even Joey had some pretty serious side effects with his heart, so he had to stop.

It's just not worth it, IMO.

Good memory. It wasn't a side effect after the fact but a side effect while I was on the cycle.

I went to the doctor for an annual check up for my insurance and he took my blood pressure & rested heart rate. it was something like 160bpm. He accused me of being on drugs or steroids so I told him the truth. I was pretty deep into a crazy cycle at the time. I tapered off the cycle and my doctors prescribed blood work. Everything was within normal range months after finishing the cycle.

I haven't done a cycle since. I think that was 2011?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 02:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

no pct?

what other kind of data do you need?

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I need you to hold me

Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

So turinabol is like beginners roids? Sign me up!

10/07/14 03:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Anastasia Beaverhausen
It's astonishing how many people are into this.

10/07/14 03:29 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Maximus

Why in the fuck would he be proud of this?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

why are people proud of being chubby and strong? exactly

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

thats not even remotely the same thing

10/07/14 03:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Same reasons that you're apparently proud of looking like you're a chemo patient.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:35 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


10/07/14 03:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I used to be like that.

Then I lifted heavy shit.

You bought purses and watches.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

chub mode isn't on my calendar

10/07/14 03:39 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Emo, skinny jeans and purse mode is.

Get a skateboard and finish the look.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Maximus

Why in the fuck would he be proud of this?

Because synthol. Some fucked up shit not even close to roids.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Emo, skinny jeans and purse mode is.

Get a skateboard and finish the look.

you're right, I control my intake and run / hike > 100 miles a week to bulk up. 😐

10/07/14 03:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Your definition of bulk and mine are quite different.

I srsly doubt you can lift much more than an average woman.

95, that's just eeeewwwwwwwww

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

probably has something to do with you not being that bright

10/07/14 03:45 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You don't have to be head cashier at a walmart to see those legs that you posted of yourself. I was shocked that you were still standing. ;\)

Don't go out during breezy days.

But hey, you're not fat!!!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm shocked that a short male uses "bulk" as validation

(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 03:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
You can also smell when someone is on a cycle as well. Pretty easily I might add.

Keep coming back to this thread hoping this has been answered. What exactly does someone who is on a cycle smell like?

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

My goal is to be skinny fat and bulky at the same time!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:50 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I want to be Balki
Warning, Spoiler:

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:50 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: markkusf
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
You can also smell when someone is on a cycle as well. Pretty easily I might add.

Keep coming back to this thread hoping this has been answered. What exactly does someone who is on a cycle smell like?

I would guess (and it's only guess) - vinegar?

10/07/14 03:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
I'm shocked that a short male uses "bulk" as validation

Well I may be shorter than you but twice as strong.

Like a man should be.

You strive more for WOman stuff.


Not convinced that you're a man actually.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:52 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: markkusf
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
You can also smell when someone is on a cycle as well. Pretty easily I might add.

Keep coming back to this thread hoping this has been answered. What exactly does someone who is on a cycle smell like?

I've actually never heard this and I've been around the bodybuilding game since age 14.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

wall tiles.

10/07/14 03:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
wall tiles.

I'm sure not a single person on this site could pick them out better than you. ;\)

Maybe team503?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Do you really have to shit up another thread? This one is rather interesting.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:58 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

delving into homophobia, you're just the complete hick package

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 03:59 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
wall tiles.

It's been said before, but I'm a big fan of 2-3 word replies that can dismantle a text wall lobbed by the e-adversary.

10/07/14 04:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
delving into homophobia, you're just the complete hick package

Except I'm not a homophobe.

I'll hate on people in the closet, tho. ;\)

10/07/14 04:02 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
wall tiles.

It's been said before, but I'm a big fan of 2-3 word replies that can dismantle a text wall lobbed by the e-adversary.

Shut up Nathan.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
wall tiles.

I'm sure not a single person on this site could pick them out better than you. ;\)

Maybe team503?


(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
wall tiles.

It's been said before, but I'm a big fan of 2-3 word replies that can dismantle a text wall lobbed by the e-adversary.

Shut up Nathan.

Say that to my shins.

10/07/14 04:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
wall tiles.

It's been said before, but I'm a big fan of 2-3 word replies that can dismantle a text wall lobbed by the e-adversary.

Shut up Nathan.

Say that to my shins.

You can't even stick to your own rules for response?

Why are you even in a gym or fitness thread?

I mean seriously I doubt you've ever been in one.

10/07/14 04:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

As a neutral in this argument - who cares how much someone can lift unless you're a competing powerlifter?

Girls are not interested in how much I can bench, they just know I workout based on how I look.

Do girls prefer this:

or this:

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
wall tiles.

It's been said before, but I'm a big fan of 2-3 word replies that can dismantle a text wall lobbed by the e-adversary.

Shut up Nathan.

Say that to my shins.

You can't even stick to your own rules for response?

Why are you even in a gym or fitness thread?

I mean seriously I doubt you've ever been in one.

I have posting rules?

I'm here to watch you get outclassed again.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

<--- short guy checking in. Ya'll mean! \:D

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:11 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Maximus
As a neutral in this argument - who cares how much someone can lift unless you're a competing powerlifter?

Girls are not interested in how much I can bench, they just know I workout based on how I look.

Do girls prefer this:

or this:

Don't get it twisted, a lot of guys go to the gym so they can talk to other guys about the gym.

10/07/14 04:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: White Guilt
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
wall tiles.

It's been said before, but I'm a big fan of 2-3 word replies that can dismantle a text wall lobbed by the e-adversary.

Shut up Nathan.

Say that to my shins.

You can't even stick to your own rules for response?

Why are you even in a gym or fitness thread?

I mean seriously I doubt you've ever been in one.

I have posting rules?

I'm here to watch you get outclassed again.

Your wonder 2-3 word retorts!!

Outclassed? Better stay a while. Nobody by the likes of you two stand a chance.

Even together you guys aren't strong enough.

No srsly.

Miles Long
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: markkusf
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
You can also smell when someone is on a cycle as well. Pretty easily I might add.

Keep coming back to this thread hoping this has been answered. What exactly does someone who is on a cycle smell like?

Someone answer this. Im curious as well. Had a friend that did them and never noticed anything.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

more little guy e-flexing

keep going! lol

10/07/14 04:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
 Originally Posted By: Maximus
As a neutral in this argument - who cares how much someone can lift unless you're a competing powerlifter?

Girls are not interested in how much I can bench, they just know I workout based on how I look.

Do girls prefer this:

or this:

Don't get it twisted, a lot of guys go to the gym so they can talk to other guys about the gym.

And I'd rather look like BP there for sure. He's pretty strong there too. Not mega strong but strong enough.

10/07/14 04:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
more little guy e-flexing

keep going! lol

Cute that you have nothing but this to claim at this point.

It's not like you can refute the purse and skinny comments. So now all you have is "you're taller than me".

I win.

(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 04:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
 Originally Posted By: Maximus
As a neutral in this argument - who cares how much someone can lift unless you're a competing powerlifter?

Girls are not interested in how much I can bench, they just know I workout based on how I look.

Do girls prefer this:

or this:

Don't get it twisted, a lot of guys go to the gym so they can talk to other guys about the gym.

Agree completely with Maximus on that one.
At almost 40, I personally go to the gym to feel great and look great. Im not in HS anymore so lifting brags I give no fucks about. If I can hike run swim walk fuck fly whatever with the best of them, then im pretty satisfied

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
more little guy e-flexing
keep going! lol

Cute that you have nothing but this to claim at this point.
It's not like you can refute the purse and skinny comments. So now all you have is "you're taller than me".
I win.

third stress leave from a civic website incoming

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Another thread going down the fucking shitter because tornado bait couldn't help himself.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Lol, tornado bait. That's funny.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: TexasSI
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
 Originally Posted By: Maximus
As a neutral in this argument - who cares how much someone can lift unless you're a competing powerlifter?

Girls are not interested in how much I can bench, they just know I workout based on how I look.

Do girls prefer this:

or this:

Don't get it twisted, a lot of guys go to the gym so they can talk to other guys about the gym.

Agree completely with Maximus on that one.
At almost 40, I personally go to the gym to feel great and look great. Im not in HS anymore so lifting brags I give no fucks about. If I can hike run swim walk fuck fly whatever with the best of them, then im pretty satisfied

I think everyone who has been at it for a while eventually gets to that stage. Also, getting older sucks. I was a gym rat, from HS all through college I'd go through periods where I was obsessed with my numbers. Cardio? Fuck that! Dieting?! Nope.

Nowadays I just strive for a nice overall package. I've also dealt with some rather fucked up injuries the last few years which prevents me from pushing myself like I've been able to in the past.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

ob1 has to keep bulking to fit into those tents he bought at Ross

Ampsman in Extremis
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
ob1 has to keep bulking to fit into those tents he bought at Ross


(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

fuck abs, strength isn't a weakness. who's going to save a baby from a fire someone who can kick down a door, or some faggot who can do pull ups in a portable pull up bar in a door frame with nice abs?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 04:59 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

actually don't even bothering answering who fucking cares. just do what makes you happy.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
actually don't even bothering answering who fucking cares. just do what makes you happy.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
fuck abs, strength isn't a weakness. who's going to save a baby from a fire someone who can kick down a door, or some faggot who can do pull ups in a portable pull up bar in a door frame with nice abs?


(Post Master Sr)
10/07/14 05:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
fuck abs, strength isn't a weakness. who's going to save a baby from a fire someone who can kick down a door, or some faggot who can do pull ups in a portable pull up bar in a door frame with nice abs?

What if you have to do a pull up into a window frame to save the baby?


edit: offended because I do tons of pull ups and crunches!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

That guy can't kick down a door.

This guy is the real savior.

Anastasia Beaverhausen
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

The thread that keeps giving.

10/07/14 05:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Texas House Wife
Some faggot who can do pull ups. This thread is full of winners.
Whats funny is pullups are hard as fuck!

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Texas House Wife
Some faggot who can do pull ups. This thread is full of winners.
Whats funny is pullups is hard as fuck!

Thems mudriver ropeswings takes lots of pullup strength, huh?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Is that how they keep these people motivated at Crossfit? Imaginary life saving scenarios?


10/07/14 05:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Texas House Wife
Some faggot who can do pull ups. This thread is full of winners.
Whats funny is pullups are hard as fuck!

Thems mudriver ropeswings takes lots of pullup strength, huh?
Those would be more like chinup motion than anything.

Do you know the difference?

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Texas House Wife
Some faggot who can do pull ups. This thread is full of winners.
Whats funny is pullups are hard as fuck!

Thems mudriver ropeswings takes lots of pullup strength, huh?
Those would be more like chinup motion than anything.

Do you know the difference?

Settle down, I just said that cause I just did an epic mudriver ropeswing last weekend (palms out ;\) ) and the pendulum motion took much pullup strength. Even have video, lol.

Back on topic: fuck you you midget!

10/07/14 05:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It was a serious question. So many people don't know the difference from a chinup to pullup.

I posted a pic of me coming from a back flip about 20+' off the water and people made fun of me. They call it mud river on CSi but fact is that it is a spring fed river with most bedrock and its crystal clear. \:D

And yes...after each multi-day rope swing binge I'm always sore in my chip/pullup muskles!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: 137
fuck abs, strength isn't a weakness. who's going to save a baby from a fire someone who can kick down a door, or some faggot who can do pull ups in a portable pull up bar in a door frame with nice abs?


keeps the cronuts flowing

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
 Originally Posted By: markkusf
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
You can also smell when someone is on a cycle as well. Pretty easily I might add.

Keep coming back to this thread hoping this has been answered. What exactly does someone who is on a cycle smell like?

I would guess (and it's only guess) - vinegar?

Yup, very similar.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: TexasSI

lol fucking dead! and Pat the term faggot is only offensive if you feel that describes you.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

just kidding it's a horrible word, I need to stop saying it...

(Jr Member)
10/07/14 05:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Nigga im about to get swoll.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 05:52 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Maximus

Do girls prefer this:

or this:

who gives a fuck? do your own thing. A girl that actually likes you probably wont care all that much if you are 260# power lifter or 160# brad pitt and if she does she aint worth shit really.

Its like buying a car to impress girls. negra pls are you 12?

abs dont get you women. ...well women worth any kind of serious relationship with. tinder outings are a completely different topic

At the end of the day do what makes you happy and what is important to you at that moment. Most people who lift long enough will go in cycles of strength/maintenance/looks.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
fuck abs, strength isn't a weakness. who's going to save a baby from a fire someone who can kick down a door, or some faggot who can do pull ups in a portable pull up bar in a door frame with nice abs?

lol nerve struck.

 Originally Posted By: 137
just kidding it's a horrible word, I need to stop saying it...

You really do.

Ampsman in Extremis
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

y'all muthafucks aint never rescued no babys!

10/07/14 06:18 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
 Originally Posted By: 137
just kidding it's a horrible word, I need to stop saying it...

You really do.
Use "forgot" and say it really fast.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

how much do I need to deadlift before I can knock over an interior door and save that baby?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

250 for an interior door - 450 for an exterior door

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:45 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

all this thread needs is Art

Rain Machine
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 06:48 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

See, here's the problem.

I have no ethical issue with steroids. I don't really see tinkering with the body's chemical balance for performance gains as being all that different than tinkering with a computer or any other piece of hardware.

Just like with any kind of tinkering, the possibility of fucking up and breaking things is there—but if I want to do something like overclock a PC or install forced induction or other power adders, there are guides on how to do these things in a way that is most likely to work.

However, due to our culture, etc., I've never seen a comprehensive, well written, sourced primer on what works, what doesn't work, and what the "right" way to do things is re: steroids.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 07:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm the only one that uses the gym on base. So, no I don't juice. lol

10/07/14 07:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
250 for an interior door - 450 for an exterior door

I can't DL 450 and I think I can rip an exterior door off it's hinges.

Anastasia Beaverhausen
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 07:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Awaiting video upload. Good entertainment regardless of result lol.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 07:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

*pictures tiny man hanging from open door and wiggling to and fro*

10/07/14 07:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 07:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
I have no clue what to do. Plus, like most illegal things, I'd have to find a dealer for it and trust the product was safe.

 Originally Posted By: RainMachine
I have no ethical issue with steroids. I don't really see tinkering with the body's chemical balance for performance gains as being all that different than tinkering with a computer or any other piece of hardware.

I agree with both of these. I've never done it because I don't know where to get it and I don't know what to do, but if you removed some of those barriers/risks I might give it a go. I'd still have to put in the work, though, which I'm currently not doing.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 07:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Maybe he was the guy who "got too big" when he started lifting weights? \:o

You guys know what I'm talking about. "I want to start lifting, but I don't want to get too big."

"OK bro, get started and we'll keep on eye on you to make sure your muscles don't get too out of hand too quickly....."

My biggest pet peeve.

"Oh shit, I got too big - whatever shall I do!"

Ditto goes for women who think doing some weights = veiny clenis muscles.

This stereotype always comes up in lifting threads, and clearly the people who talk like this have zero experience. But there is a legit complaint here, IMO. I don't like owning 2-3 different sizes of pants. I don't like when my thighs rub together and cause chaffing. I don't like when my short-sleeve shirts fit so tight that the sleeves ride up my arms. I don't like drinking a gallon of whole milk every day and forcing food all the time...

Ok I lied, I might like when my short-sleeve shirts fit tight. \:\)

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 08:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
all this thread needs is Art
tag me in bro

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 08:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Not really. Real size takes time. Beefcaking isn't a case of too big.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 08:23 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Until something legal, ethical, and approved comes to market, I don't think steroids are a good idea.....yet.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 08:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: RainMachine
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

See, here's the problem.

I have no ethical issue with steroids. I don't really see tinkering with the body's chemical balance for performance gains as being all that different than tinkering with a computer or any other piece of hardware.

Just like with any kind of tinkering, the possibility of fucking up and breaking things is there—but if I want to do something like overclock a PC or install forced induction or other power adders, there are guides on how to do these things in a way that is most likely to work.

However, due to our culture, etc., I've never seen a comprehensive, well written, sourced primer on what works, what doesn't work, and what the "right" way to do things is re: steroids.

No one died from overclocking their computer too hard.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:18 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
 Originally Posted By: RainMachine
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

See, here's the problem.

I have no ethical issue with steroids. I don't really see tinkering with the body's chemical balance for performance gains as being all that different than tinkering with a computer or any other piece of hardware.

Just like with any kind of tinkering, the possibility of fucking up and breaking things is there—but if I want to do something like overclock a PC or install forced induction or other power adders, there are guides on how to do these things in a way that is most likely to work.

However, due to our culture, etc., I've never seen a comprehensive, well written, sourced primer on what works, what doesn't work, and what the "right" way to do things is re: steroids.

No one died from overclocking their computer too hard.

rainmachine missed the main point.. and on that note I'm off to the gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It's legal in many countries. Thank the us congress for it being illegal here to sell.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
 Originally Posted By: RainMachine
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

See, here's the problem.

I have no ethical issue with steroids. I don't really see tinkering with the body's chemical balance for performance gains as being all that different than tinkering with a computer or any other piece of hardware.

Just like with any kind of tinkering, the possibility of fucking up and breaking things is there—but if I want to do something like overclock a PC or install forced induction or other power adders, there are guides on how to do these things in a way that is most likely to work.

However, due to our culture, etc., I've never seen a comprehensive, well written, sourced primer on what works, what doesn't work, and what the "right" way to do things is re: steroids.

No one died from overclocking their computer too hard.

I doubt there are a rash of deaths from occasional steroid use either. Of course you can look at the extreme side of things, but you can do that for alcohol and drugs as well.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Silock
 Originally Posted By: RainMachine
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

See, here's the problem.

I have no ethical issue with steroids. I don't really see tinkering with the body's chemical balance for performance gains as being all that different than tinkering with a computer or any other piece of hardware.

Just like with any kind of tinkering, the possibility of fucking up and breaking things is there—but if I want to do something like overclock a PC or install forced induction or other power adders, there are guides on how to do these things in a way that is most likely to work.

However, due to our culture, etc., I've never seen a comprehensive, well written, sourced primer on what works, what doesn't work, and what the "right" way to do things is re: steroids.

No one died from overclocking their computer too hard.

I doubt there are a rash of deaths from occasional steroid use either. Of course you can look at the extreme side of things, but you can do that for alcohol and drugs as well.

Of course. That wasn't the argument. There's always a responsible way to use them, but if you do something that can't hurt you, like overclocking, in an irresponsible way, you won't die. If you do that with steroids, you're playing Russian Roulette. I mean, I understand why these things are illegal. What if you have some undiagnosed condition? If you screw up the steroids, you could dead yourself pretty easily.

But John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't EAT the tourists.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I think the overclocking comment was supposed to be used in the context of you being the cpu. Irresponsible overclockimg without proper monitoring will kill the cpu(you).

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I saw it as tinkering to get the best out of something, not necessarily yourself.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You can also try to drive 200mph down a busy highway.

It's illegal cause of idiots in Congress. Not for scientific reasons. Look up the history . Ben Johnson scandal and the rest is history.

Taking too many Tylenol and drinking alcohol can kill you. Same with a million other drugs you can buy.

People can and do have bad reactions to all kinds of "safe" health products.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

That's some final destination typing thinking, but I guess that's your opinion. Like it was mentioned, steroids are legal in other parts of the world. I'd like to see the number of deaths due to 'irresponsible use'...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
That's some final destination typing thinking, but I guess that's your opinion. Like it was mentioned, steroids are legal in other parts of the world. I'd like to see the number of deaths due to 'irresponsible use'...

Google how many wwf wrestlers from the 90’s have died.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Just because something doesn't kill you doesn't mean it can't permanently fuck you up.

Again, this is irresponsible use.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:58 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Moof
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
That's some final destination typing thinking, but I guess that's your opinion. Like it was mentioned, steroids are legal in other parts of the world. I'd like to see the number of deaths due to 'irresponsible use'...

Google how many wwf wrestlers from the 90’s have died.

Again, that's the extreme side of things. Look up heroin users and see how many of them have died. Same shit. There are extremes of everything that eventually will kill you.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 09:58 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
Just because something doesn't kill you doesn't mean it can't permanently fuck you up.

Again, this is irresponsible use.

Irresponsible use would be grabbing whatever and jabbing it into your leg without any research beforehand. I think some of you guys forget testosterone is a naturally occurring substance in the body.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Silock
Just because something doesn't kill you doesn't mean it can't permanently fuck you up.

Again, this is irresponsible use.

Irresponsible use would be grabbing whatever and jabbing it into your leg without any research beforehand. I think some of you guys forget testosterone is a naturally occurring substance in the body.

Just because it's natural doesn't mean it can't hurt you to have too much from an outside source. In other words, just because some is good doesn't mean more is better, at least not strictly speaking.

And yeah, just taking whatever at whatever dosage is irresponsible. But it happens a LOT. Just look at the forums of guys going "Hey, I've been on this cycle for 3 months and I'm having this problem." And what they're taking is totally crazy, and it gets pointed out, and hopefully they make a change.

Again, I'm not against steroids. I'm simply pointing out that there is a legitimate reason for them to be a controlled substance. Not having a doctor supervise is a gamble because not every cycle or stack works for everyone in the same way.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Silock
Just because something doesn't kill you doesn't mean it can't permanently fuck you up.

Again, this is irresponsible use.

Irresponsible use would be grabbing whatever and jabbing it into your leg without any research beforehand. I think some of you guys forget testosterone is a naturally occurring substance in the body.

Precisely ..

No need for a healthy person to inject more \:\)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock

Again, I'm not against steroids. I'm simply pointing out that there is a legitimate reason for them to be a controlled substance. Not having a doctor supervise is a gamble because not every cycle or stack works for everyone in the same way.

Agreed 100%.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Moof
Until something legal,

In Canada, anabolic steroids and their derivatives are part of the Controlled drugs and substances act and are Schedule IV substances, meaning that it is illegal to obtain or sell them without a prescription; however, possession is not punishable, a consequence reserved for schedule I, II or III substances

The only reason they were ever made illegal in the usa is because of sports propaganda. Not because of any health concerns. There have never been any studies done on long term effects ..since illegal it would be "unethical" so all you have is somewhat anecdotal evidence. Can and do people die , sure? people die from cigarettes and alcohol too.

Wrestlers are a poor sample to look at. On top of well known grueling travel schedules, there is a lot of other drugs and alcohol in that game. So many other important factors in their lifestyles to chalk up any deaths purely to steroid use. It seems in most "steroid" deaths there are other important factors which are ignored. Its a nice skapegoat though.

Are nfl players dropping left and right from steroid use? nba? mlb? Track athletes etc?
How is Arnold doing?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Silock
Just because something doesn't kill you doesn't mean it can't permanently fuck you up.

Again, this is irresponsible use.

Irresponsible use would be grabbing whatever and jabbing it into your leg without any research beforehand. I think some of you guys forget testosterone is a naturally occurring substance in the body.

Thank god for responsible steroid users, its the irresponsible ones that makes steroids look bad.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

how can the sauciers be responsible when they can't add?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 10:59 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

That just looks uncomfortable.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Is that guy supposed to be juicing?

He looks natural to me.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/07/14 11:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06

He looks natural to me.
clearly you have NO clue.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:44 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:46 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

He looks natural to me.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06

He looks natural to me.
clearly you have NO clue.

What are the tell tale signs there that I'm missing? He looks like a dude that lifts a lot of heavy heights and eats a lot of steaks and shit.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:50 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137

Lol is that real???

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:03 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: 137

Lol is that real???

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:25 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
He looks natural to me.
stop trolling.

dude is 6'5 320 and ripped as fuck all year long...and openly uses.

You guys have been polluted by muscle n fitness.


Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:27 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym


10/08/14 08:28 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
This is closer to natural...and it probably still isn't, lol neck.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:31 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

The traps are how you can tell he's natty.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:32 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06

He looks natural to me.
clearly you have NO clue.

What are the tell tale signs there that I'm missing? He looks like a dude that lifts a lot of heavy heights and eats a lot of steaks and shit.

His traps and shoulders for one thing. Both much larger than anyone can attain naturally. Combined with his overall mass and thickness. None of which can be done clean.
He also deadlifts like 900+lbs.

Want to see what the body can do naturally? Google Eugen Sandow

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:32 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

That guy has some great genetics, roids or not.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
That guy has some great genetics, roids or not.

All except his face.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:38 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: TenTwelve
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
That guy has some great genetics, roids or not.

All except his face.

Were you thinking of making out with him?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:42 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym


It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:45 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

LNx guy when we're these fabled juicing days of yours because I remember a picture of you about 12 or more years ago in a sleeveless shirt and you didn't even look like you had ever seen a gym. You've always been so opinionated on this subject, does one photo even exist of you in an sort of shape?

Euphoric , not every single person who is big is on juice, I find it hilarious how you think everyone is juicing.

This thread is fucking hilarious though.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Why would I lie? I did two cycles back in the day when I was 21-22? So 15+ years ago? You seem upset about something, you wanna share with the rest of the class?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:50 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: TenTwelve
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
That guy has some great genetics, roids or not.

All except his face.

Were you thinking of making out with him?

Well, yeah... Look at his body.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I've called you on this in the past too. I don't think anyone should be taking fitness (nevermind steroid) advice from you.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:55 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I've called you on this in the past too. I don't think anyone should be taking fitness (nevermind steroid) advice from you.

Calling me out for what exactly? Lying about doing a few cycles of steroids? Why in the world would I ever make that up? I'm not giving anyone fitness advice in this thread. Just sharing my experiences, that's it.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:58 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Well while this thread goes 10 pages of you singing the praises of steroid use I just think we should all stop and think about who and where this steroid support is coming from. I think you should stick to fishing threads bro.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:03 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Well while this thread goes 10 pages of you singing the praises of steroid use I just think we should all stop and think about who and where this steroid support is coming from. I think you should stick to fishing threads bro.

Personal experiences, nothing more, nothing less.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Ares has personal experience too

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:07 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Ares has personal experience too


It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Ares has personal experience too

exactly what I think when you start talking about steroids.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

all of this talking, end of the day 60 percent of the posters in here do not even lift lol.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:09 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

who said everyone is?
you think you look anything like that guy? obviously not.

The usage is a lot higher than most might suspect. And since most people dont do baby amounts its usually not all that hard to spot these folks once you know what you are looking at.

10/08/14 09:09 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I like the sharing of experience parts of anything, but it should always be discarded when trying to validate anything, especially such a small amount of experience as LNX has.

In the end, using a forum as a reason to do anything would be stupid, regardless the amount of experience the guy has that you're listening to.

It's one thing to take Art's advice on lifting (as I have in the past) and its entirely different to take roid advice.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:09 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
all of this talking, end of the day 60 percent of the posters in here do not even lift lol.
pretty much

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:11 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This is an open forum where people are free to chime in whenever and however they would like.

If lnx was down at his local gym slinging roid advice in the locker room, you might have a point then.

Some of the best lifting coaches in the world are fat fucks who havent touched a weight in decades.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:12 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Ares has personal experience too

exactly what I think when you start talking about steroids.

You can think whatever you want man, but I'm sure everyone is happier for knowing your stance on things.

10/08/14 09:13 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
all of this talking, end of the day 60 percent of the posters in here do not even lift lol.

Me, you, Moof, Art, Silock, Euph, Joey (I think still does), Johnso, 98v, impulsive, justthetip, crazzed, wndy...not 60%.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:15 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:18 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I've gone over there a few times, good knowledge. I just don't like checking two places for my skinformation.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:19 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

137 is a regular there, wow swole

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:20 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Fuck it, I'm posting a thread about my new rack....

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:21 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Gyno boobs?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:21 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

I lift but, it's not to get huge so...

10/08/14 09:22 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Fuck it, I'm posting a thread about my new rack....
You should. I had a thread when I built my gym and got great advice.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:29 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Fuck it, I'm posting a thread about my new rack....
Post your rack. Hope they're at least a nice C. Wait...

10/08/14 09:30 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

We should do a post your gym thread in OT. This will no doubt be a fun thread.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:39 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Interesting thread as I know nothing about steroids.

It reminds me of this guy who I worked with at the nightclub, a security guard who calls himself 'Protein' and thinks he's a body builder but he's nothing more than a big fat dude who's a self proclaimed gym rat.

"the meathead at his home!! Gym life babe.. Bigger stronger more powerful"

"Gains on top of gains"

"Whole lot of meathead 315 lbs of a beast"

"Hell ya u c it. Wat goals look like n knocking them out of the park. Getting it"

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:42 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Holy shit lolz

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:43 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

To be fair...he used to be somewhat skinnier but he's just fluffy now yet still thinks he's the shit.

The crazy thing is he's dating a friend of mine who is like 5'9" maybe 105lbs soaking wet. Talk about the odd couple.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:43 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm "pro teen".

10/08/14 09:44 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

He's no doubt strong.

But he just eats a SHIT LOAD of food and lifts. Lots of guys do that.

But his arms are pushing around from the side to the front of his body, lol complete workout, back fat and barrel shape.

 Originally Posted By: BMP GLI
he's just fluffy now
Ummmm, that dude is straight up fat as fuck.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:45 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Bacon Fat would have been a more appropriate name me thinks.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:46 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Ralphie May got swoll up.

(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 09:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Fatceps FTW

(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 09:49 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Going back a bit...
So should I not waste my whole life trying to achieve traps/shoulders like that huge mf on page 9. Is it really a matter of juicing. I pound and work on shoulders HARD and have yet to get them any where close to my ears. Sad if no...but I definitely recognize the cheaters at the gym now lol. If no juice, genetics. I need them

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:49 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

He's got a bad case of ILS.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:54 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
He's got a bad case of ILS.

Lol yeah his arm position is hillarious.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

you should still hit them hard anyways...but I would never expect behemoths quite like that.
Overtime you can still achieve some serious yoke though. Don't give up. But you may need to readjust your goals to some degree if you plan to stay clean.

10/08/14 09:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BMP GLI

"Whole lot of meathead 315 lbs of a beast"

Second picture is just fucking hilarious. Dude really thinks he looks good.

As for the first pic....WTF needs a spot on that?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:01 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Not a spot, HELP!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This is how a lot of people think. "Clothes just don't fit me"

So much this:

10/08/14 10:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Not a spot, HELP!
Do you even dip machine @ 540lbs, bro? I do.

Silver Rocket
(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 10:12 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BMP GLI
Interesting thread as I know nothing about steroids.

It reminds me of this guy who I worked with at the nightclub, a security guard who calls himself 'Protein' and thinks he's a body builder but he's nothing more than a big fat dude who's a self proclaimed gym rat.

"Whole lot of meathead 315 lbs of a beast"

I thought it was Tazz from the WWE lol!!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:18 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BMP GLI
To be fair...he used to be somewhat skinnier but he's just fluffy now yet still thinks he's the shit.

The crazy thing is he's dating a friend of mine who is like 5'9" maybe 105lbs soaking wet. Talk about the odd couple.

confidence matters.. and working where you probably meet some people with pretty low iq

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:19 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: JEFFOS
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
He's got a bad case of ILS.

Lol yeah his arm position is hillarious.
Had to look up 'ILS'. LOLOLOL thank you Urban Dictionary. That's fucking hilarious.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:34 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Appears he's "deadlifting" all of 2.5" from the rack. Is he an official member of the burning building baby saving club?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:42 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

No doubt. Except he kicks down castle doors, fuck an apartment door. He doesn't waste his time with those shits.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:43 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
 Originally Posted By: JEFFOS
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
He's got a bad case of ILS.

Lol yeah his arm position is hillarious.
Had to look up 'ILS'. LOLOLOL thank you Urban Dictionary. That's fucking hilarious.

Now you will spot this every time you go to the gym, just try not to laugh

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:47 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
 Originally Posted By: JEFFOS
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
He's got a bad case of ILS.

Lol yeah his arm position is hillarious.
Had to look up 'ILS'. LOLOLOL thank you Urban Dictionary. That's fucking hilarious.

Now you will spot this every time you go to the gym, just try not to laugh

Ha!! Whenever I'd see guys like that I would pretend they were carrying suitcases in each arm on their way to the airport for a nice vacation.

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:47 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
 Originally Posted By: JEFFOS
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
He's got a bad case of ILS.

Lol yeah his arm position is hillarious.
Had to look up 'ILS'. LOLOLOL thank you Urban Dictionary. That's fucking hilarious.

Now you will spot this every time you go to the gym, just try not to laugh

Ha!! Whenever I'd see guys like that I would pretend they were carrying suitcases in each arm on their way to the airport for a nice vacation.

10/08/14 10:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: cacasesi
Appears he's "deadlifting" all of 2.5" from the rack.
I believe those would be shrugs.... Nike Shox

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:49 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

thats still like 675 or something. I agree on shrugs but thats still a lot to support with your body.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Well, he is built like a tuna can.

Seems to be subscribing to that 137 Diet too.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
137 is a regular there, wow swole

LOL! I don't even lift.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:59 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

And if you do, but it's about still doesn't count.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:59 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: TexasSI
Going back a bit...
So should I not waste my whole life trying to achieve traps/shoulders like that huge mf on page 9. Is it really a matter of juicing. I pound and work on shoulders HARD and have yet to get them any where close to my ears. Sad if no...but I definitely recognize the cheaters at the gym now lol. If no juice, genetics. I need them

have to deadlift if you want big traps, not rack pulls, not shrugs, not shoulder flies, but deadlift and pull ups. not that cable bullshit either.

well I kind of lift.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:02 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

And if you do, but it's about still doesn't count.

I went to the dr's for a physical to see if I am dying due to cronut and sour patch kid consumption.

Dr. asks "if I exercise".
I say "yes"
then asks "how many times a week?"
I reply "about 4 days a week"
Dr. "for how many hours?"
ME "about 3-4 sometimes 5"
Dr. "how many of those hours are cardio?"
ME "none"
Dr. "So basically you don't exercise."

10/08/14 11:02 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

And here we go

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:03 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

And if you do, but it's about still doesn't count.

No youtube channel/blog/ account, no swole.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Dear lord. A minute long video loaded to youtube for a 435lb deadlift set.

Is that really worthy of such self-fellating?

10/08/14 11:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

And if you do, but it's about still doesn't count.

I went to the dr's for a physical to see if I am dying due to cronut and sour patch kid consumption.

Dr. asks "if I exercise".
I say "yes"
then asks "how many times a week?"
I reply "about 4 days a week"
Dr. "for how many hours?"
ME "about 3-4 sometimes 5"
Dr. "how many of those hours are cardio?"
ME "none"
Dr. "So basically you don't exercise."

LOFUCKINGL at 3-5hrs at the gym. WHAT IN THE FUCK

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I bet when Ironmom is training for his 100 mile run he daydreams about saving babies by carrying them to far away hospitals with no other transportation available.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

And if you do, but it's about still doesn't count.

I went to the dr's for a physical to see if I am dying due to cronut and sour patch kid consumption.

Dr. asks "if I exercise".
I say "yes"
then asks "how many times a week?"
I reply "about 4 days a week"
Dr. "for how many hours?"
ME "about 3-4 sometimes 5"
Dr. "how many of those hours are cardio?"
ME "none"
Dr. "So basically you don't exercise."

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Well, he is built like a tuna can.

Seems to be subscribing to that 137 Diet too.

please, shirtless pictures ken doll? I love when fat people talk shit about other "fat peoples" dietary habits.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:06 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

And if you do, but it's about still doesn't count.

I went to the dr's for a physical to see if I am dying due to cronut and sour patch kid consumption.

Dr. asks "if I exercise".
I say "yes"
then asks "how many times a week?"
I reply "about 4 days a week"
Dr. "for how many hours?"
ME "about 3-4 sometimes 5"
Dr. "how many of those hours are cardio?"
ME "none"
Dr. "So basically you don't exercise."

Bullshit. You get plenty of cardio slamming yourself around your apartment during your post-gym video editing jack sessions.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Well, he is built like a tuna can.

Seems to be subscribing to that 137 Diet too.

please, shirtless pictures ken doll? I love when fat people talk shit about other "fat peoples" dietary habits.

Lashing out with fat accusations?

Your subpar diet is a given around here, like gravity. Why argue?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:09 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137

have to deadlift if you want big traps, not rack pulls, not shrugs, not shoulder flies, but deadlift and pull ups. not that cable bullshit either.
this is going to vary from person to person. Not everyone responds the same.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:09 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26

Is that really worthy of such self-fellating?

Are you new here?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:10 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
I bet when Ironmom is training for his 100 mile run he daydreams about saving babies by carrying them to far away hospitals with no other transportation available.


WAIT THERES NO MEDEVAC?! *laces up obscurely named running shoes*

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:11 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137

I reply "about 4 days a week"
Dr. "for how many hours?"
ME "about 3-4 sometimes 5"

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:11 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26

Is that really worthy of such self-fellating?

Are you new here?

I forget, am reminded and then LOL all over again.

10/08/14 11:17 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

435DL for a 5-8 200lb guy is good shit. Over 2xs his weight is solid.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:17 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Well, he is built like a tuna can.

Seems to be subscribing to that 137 Diet too.

please, shirtless pictures ken doll? I love when fat people talk shit about other "fat peoples" dietary habits.

Lashing out with fat accusations?

Your subpar diet is a given around here, like gravity. Why argue?

I'll shut up when you back up your stupid ass mouth.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:22 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

"Ate all of the donuts because they were there"

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:24 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

OK, let's say I'm fat, like ridiculously fat. Am I then wrong about your subpar diet and yawn inducing video library of mediocre lifts? I mean, I'm happy you're active and you seem dedicated, but what the fuck is that?

If I'm not mistaken, it's been years and you refuse to lean out and you haven't transformed into an actual power lifter. So, what's going on here?

Maybe this is just your path and it's not for us to understand, but I don't get it.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:24 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Thanks for visiting. added 30lbs to almost each of my lifts in 16 weeks, stayed the same weight. win/win

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:27 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
Thanks for visiting. added 30lbs to almost each of my lifts in 16 weeks, stayed the same weight. win/win

When is the part where you demonstrate self control and lose all of that blubber?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:29 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Being an emotional eater is a hard thing to shake.

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:31 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This is my baby saving faggot pullup training set up.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:39 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

in his defense others around here are similar...

<---epic fat, goes on long tirades about being fit, is slow as fuck on the bike, worse on the run, and tries to re-capture some mediocre swimming success from decades ago

not too many fucks are given here either. What's wrong with being a mid-packer, exactly? I mean do we have to check in with the 'post-ur-pic' thread in the fitness forum for validation...and only then can we move on with our lives? If we fail validation are we subject to constant humiliation until the majority decide we have eaten the proper amount of boiled chicken/kale and have the CSI approved level of bodyfat? Not enough crying over 'cut' cycles or whatever we are 'supposed' to do?

OMG ur squat isn't 1.9x your bodyweight dude! do u even lift?

<----fat guy rant over

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:41 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Nothing wrong with mid-pack, but goddamnit at least pick a direction.

Do you have a YouTube channel of 9 minutes miles? Exactly.

10/08/14 11:46 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Being an emotional eater is a hard thing to shake.
Not really.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:47 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
OK, let's say I'm fat, like ridiculously fat. Am I then wrong about your subpar diet and yawn inducing video library of mediocre lifts? I mean, I'm happy you're active and you seem dedicated, but what the fuck is that?

If I'm not mistaken, it's been years and you refuse to lean out and you haven't transformed into an actual power lifter. So, what's going on here?

Maybe this is just your path and it's not for us to understand, but I don't get it.

yeah... okay

January 2011 I was 245lbs, I started crossfit January 2012 I was 212lbs, cut down to 180 in two months on paleo. lost a lot of muscle, wasn't really willing to get any smaller than this for vanity.

I put some weight back on, started doing my own programming moving away from crossfit and building strength.

I switch from paleo to intermittent fasting, still eating hamburgers and cupcakes just within some dumb ass window not counting macros. This worked pretty well for some time, but there was never really any balance.

god so fucking fat, I know... I was able to get my lifts back up and shortly after got back up to 198, so Cory finally convinced me to let him handle my diet, so I rolled with that through late 2013 through probably april of this year.

I got down to about 183, lowest weight I hit, had about all the cardio I could stand and wanted to focus on rebuilding my metabolism so the next time I cut I would be able to have more calories and less cardio.

405 backsquat, 235 bench, 465lb deadlift

So we yolo'd back up to 200lbs, stopped doing cardio and focused on getting stronger I hired a coach to handle my nutrition as well as my programming, strength progression has gone through the roof. I'm not destroying myself in the gym either, just taking my time rather than going in for a pump to feel good about the shit I ate. All that food goes to use. Just like on the previous page I posted, just because I'm not skinny doesn't mean that I am not following something. You obviously don't seem to get that.

I started this program late june, I am still within a 1-2lb deviation from where I started, the goal was never to shred. It will never be anymore, I care more about how much I lift than posting a picture of me having a chiseled serratus on clubsi for bragging rights.

So you can continue to say oh my god you don't eat tilapia and asparagus so you can't give any helpful advice.

But you guys could suck the color off of art's dickhairs because he's been physically the same for the last 10 years with absolutely no proof possible he's capable of the shit he says he is other than being able to jump up a really high brick wall and drink a shitload of vodka.

but that's none of my business.

10/08/14 11:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Why the fuck is 137 making this thread about him? We already have a 137 thread in the fitness forum with all of this same shit in it.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:50 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.

10/08/14 11:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You should go back to 183.

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
I like how this place assumes that if you don't post in the fitness forum regularly that means you don't lift/exercise

And if you do, but it's about still doesn't count.

yep, lift br0 is the only metric worth discussing. it's like the old SNL sketch of how much you bench.

(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 11:52 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Why the fuck is 137 making this thread about him? We already have a 137 thread in the fitness forum with all of this same shit in it.

maybe cause people keep attacking him

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:52 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

it's what fat people do when they get skinny, it's okay. Whatever makes him feel better at the end of the day.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:53 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

I don't give a single fuck about how much I lift. It's part of what I do to maintain conditioning, along with tons of cardio. The discipline with food is the hardest part, as evidenced by so many of you.

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:54 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

are you suggesting kb isn't physically fit. dude lost a lot of weight over the years.

10/08/14 11:54 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

I don't give a single fuck about how much I lift. It's part of what I do to maintain conditioning, along with tons of cardio. The discipline with food is the hardest part, as evidenced by so many of you.

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6


(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:55 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

are you suggesting kb isn't physically fit. dude lost a lot of weight over the years.

yeah if being 140lbs and 6'7" and 25 percent bodyfat is fit then I'm fucking out.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:55 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Lol I weigh more than you

10/08/14 11:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.
are you suggesting kb isn't physically fit. dude lost a lot of weight over the years.
Fit? Couldn't tell you. Thin? Weak? He is those things.

Which is fine except he's hating on a guy who doesn't give a shit about the same things as KB does.

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.
are you suggesting kb isn't physically fit. dude lost a lot of weight over the years.
Fit? Couldn't tell you. Thin? Weak? He is those things.

Which is fine except he's hating on a guy who doesn't give a shit about the same things as KB does.

classify physically fit, pls.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:57 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

do u really run/jog/hike ~100 miles a week doe?

10/08/14 11:58 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.
are you suggesting kb isn't physically fit. dude lost a lot of weight over the years.
Fit? Couldn't tell you. Thin? Weak? He is those things.

Which is fine except he's hating on a guy who doesn't give a shit about the same things as KB does.

classify physically fit, pls.
I just said I couldn't tell you if he is fit or not.

But exactly...classify it. 137 is doing things differently than KB. Hence the wildly different results.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:58 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: zakcits
do u really run/jog/hike ~100 miles a week doe?

Every week

10/08/14 11:58 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: zakcits
do u really run/jog/hike ~100 miles a week doe?
It was a flat out lie.

lol @ over 14 miles a day.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:59 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Lol I weigh more than you

doubt it. my girlfriend is bigger than you.

10/08/14 11:59 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Lol I weigh more than you

doubt it. my girlfriend is bigger than you.
He's like 6-4 or taller.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

In for a pose off between 137s GF and KB.

That would make this the most epic thread.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: zakcits
do u really run/jog/hike ~100 miles a week doe?

Every week

holy chit. I 'peaked' in my last 'cycle' at ~15 miles/week

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Seems excessive.

KB, please explain your regimen and goals.

YouTube vids are obviously acceptable here as you build your case.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Lol I weigh more than you

doubt it. my girlfriend is bigger than you.
He's like 6-4 or taller.

wasn't talking about height.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Lol I weigh more than you

doubt it. my girlfriend is bigger than you.


Not surprised the two dwarves can't guess the weights of full size adults

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I for one enjoy 137's food diary on FB. Keeps me hungry and keeps me focused on my daily calorie goals.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Lol I weigh more than you

doubt it. my girlfriend is bigger than you.


Not surprised the two dwarves can't guess the weights of full size adults


(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Fuck yes

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137

But you guys could suck the color off of art's dickhairs because he's been physically the same for the last 10 years with absolutely no proof possible he's capable of the shit he says he is other than being able to jump up a really high brick wall and drink a shitload of vodka.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: TexasSI
Going back a bit...
So should I not waste my whole life trying to achieve traps/shoulders like that huge mf on page 9. Is it really a matter of juicing. I pound and work on shoulders HARD and have yet to get them any where close to my ears. Sad if no...but I definitely recognize the cheaters at the gym now lol. If no juice, genetics. I need them

have to deadlift if you want big traps, not rack pulls, not shrugs, not shoulder flies, but deadlift and pull ups. not that cable bullshit either.

well I kind of lift.

Oh. You're a dropper.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

How else are you gonna look bad fucking ass?

You see the skull and cross bones on the wall there, right player?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm here for the gangbang

10/08/14 12:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Nothing wrong with either controlled drops or being a dropper. Personally I control to about my knees and then let it go (I don't mean letting go of the bar) and reset.

That video does appear a bit...hasty.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: WB2
I'm here for the gangbang

Good thread so far. Let's see what happens next.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

I don't give a single fuck about how much I lift. It's part of what I do to maintain conditioning, along with tons of cardio. The discipline with food is the hardest part, as evidenced by so many of you.

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6


WTF, that dude doesn't really dress like that, does he? Tell me he was trying on Halloween outfits and is going as "The Bottom".

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped

That video does appear a bit...bad fucking ass.


It's all about how you walk away from the drop as well. Pretend as if the weight is an opponent that you just dropped with a sick 3 piece.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Nothing wrong with either controlled drops or being a dropper. Personally I control to about my knees and then let it go (I don't mean letting go of the bar) and reset.

That video does appear a bit...hasty.

Well at least he stops and doesn't use the bounce. I've been guilty of the bounce.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

oh lawlll

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Moof
I for one enjoy 137's food diary on FB. Keeps me hungry and keeps me focused on my daily calorie goals.

+ Juan.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 12:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

me thinks he skips leg day

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:18 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: FireInTheWhole
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

I don't give a single fuck about how much I lift. It's part of what I do to maintain conditioning, along with tons of cardio. The discipline with food is the hardest part, as evidenced by so many of you.

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6


WTF, that dude doesn't really dress like that, does he? Tell me he was trying on Halloween outfits and is going as "The Bottom".

Yes, that's a joke pic, none of those clothes are mine

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:29 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
I bet when Ironmom is training for his 100 mile run he daydreams about saving babies by carrying them to far away hospitals with no other transportation available.

The closest I'll ever come to that is having to haul one of my scouts pack a few miles down the trail for him...on top of mine. closeenough.gif

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:29 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: FireInTheWhole
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Doesn't care about bragging rights, must get stronger at all costs.
Not sure why you're hating. You're weaker than he is fat.

I don't give a single fuck about how much I lift. It's part of what I do to maintain conditioning, along with tons of cardio. The discipline with food is the hardest part, as evidenced by so many of you.

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6


WTF, that dude doesn't really dress like that, does he? Tell me he was trying on Halloween outfits and is going as "The Bottom".

Yes, that's a joke pic, none of those clothes are mine

Were you trying on that hair-do?

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

C'mon...KB has prett much the best hair on CSi. Actually it's a toss up between him and Dooe.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'll allow the modified old fashioned.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: FireInTheWhole
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Nothing wrong with either controlled drops or being a dropper. Personally I control to about my knees and then let it go (I don't mean letting go of the bar) and reset.

That video does appear a bit...hasty.

Well at least he stops and doesn't use the bounce. I've been guilty of the bounce.

Unless you're trying to build grip strength or overall deadlift strength, there is absolutely no reason in the world to control the eccentric portion of a deadlift unless your form/core/balance is horrible.

I workout in a gym that allows me to drop/throw weights down that's what I pay for. Instead of missing a lift and having a manager tell me to calm the fuck down so people can do their cardio in peace.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
he's been physically the same for the last 10 years with absolutely no proof possible he's capable of the shit he says he is other than being able to jump up a really high brick wall and drink a shitload of vodka.

but that's none of my business.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: 137

But you guys could suck the color off of art's dickhairs because he's been physically the same for the last 10 years with absolutely no proof possible he's capable of the shit he says he is other than being able to jump up a really high brick wall and drink a shitload of vodka.

Such anger

Meanwhile I'm taller, heavier, stronger on every lift AND I look good. He's so angry.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm inspired. I'm eating something filthy for lunch today.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Am I making a misstep not buying a guy for my "programming?" Please let me know.

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:48 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Am I making a misstep not buying a guy for my "programming?" Please let me know.

only if you want "advanced" strength.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:50 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
I bet when Ironmom is training for his 100 mile run he daydreams about saving babies by carrying them to far away hospitals with no other transportation available.

The closest I'll ever come to that is having to haul one of my scouts pack a few miles down the trail for him...on top of mine. closeenough.gif

I did that going up the mountain on Chief Squamish with my girl, North of Vancouver, and ended up hurting my shoulder so much I had surgery when we got back to the states, LOL.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You simply can't be black.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: 137

But you guys could suck the color off of art's dickhairs because he's been physically the same for the last 10 years with absolutely no proof possible he's capable of the shit he says he is other than being able to jump up a really high brick wall and drink a shitload of vodka.

Such anger

Meanwhile I'm taller, heavier, stronger on every lift AND I look good. He's so angry.

I've spent my whole life trying to chase the chiseled kale drinking ginger of csi with the godly face of a 12 year old. I'll never measure up to the internets expectations, icry

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

not trying to dog on a person for exercising and all but up to 20 hours in a gym in a week? that's ridonculous.

10/08/14 12:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It's more than ridiculous. It's flat out stupid.

Unless he's just hanging around 2-3hra after he's done to watch womenz.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Maybe he didn't mean per day....hopefully.

10/08/14 12:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

He said per visit.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 12:59 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

We have traded "globo" for "programming"


(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:02 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
You simply can't be black.

I will post pics to prove if necessary

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Maybe he didn't mean per day....hopefully.

I think he is...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Seems excessive.

KB, please explain your regimen and goals.

YouTube vids are obviously acceptable here as you build your case.

We are gonna try for the PCT next year.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I don't believe you run that much per day.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:11 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: justthetip8.5
I don't believe you run that much per day.

I never said it was all running, read again. It's mostly hiking with a 30lb pack. I run around 25 miles a week.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Wait....I don't have red hair

10/08/14 01:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You're still full of shit.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Maybe he didn't mean per day....hopefully.

No, it's very accurate, I spend at least 20-40 minutes warming up depending on the workload for the day. This varies from stretching, to drill work, active mobility, band work, etc.

I don't have to scramble for equipment or have someone in my shit mid set asking if I'm done with a bench. This allows me to take proper rest for attempts, and also review footage of a lift to see if there are any corrections to my form that need to be made.

For a bro this isn't necessary so some people can workout in an hour and be happy with having a pump for instagram. that's cool.

All of my accessory work is RPE based as well set up in a linear periodization which is all self modulating.

A lot of which most people don't do, banded contractions, glute ham raises, lunges, chest supported rows with a pause. etc, etc, tldr i'm not elite who fucking cares fat fuck.

But let me keep talking about it.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Art, please start vlogging.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

a lot of average gym goers think filming is over excessive and serves no purpose, these are the same guys that set up differently every time they lift, tear shit when they lift, or have "shoulder pain" from their impressive benching. Can't squat past parallel because of excuses, etc, etc/

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Art, please start vlogging.

he's a cop or something, probably not a good idea either way.

10/08/14 01:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
a lot of average gym goers think filming is over excessive and serves no purpose, these are the same guys that set up differently every time they lift, tear shit when they lift, or have "shoulder pain" from their impressive benching. Can't squat past parallel because of excuses, etc, etc/

Filming and spending all that time narrating and editing is what's odd, IMO.

I mean you're already spending 120+hrs a week on work, gym and sleep.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Art, please start vlogging.
I can't go past parrelell on squats because I have a big bench and I look good

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Art, please start vlogging.
I can't go past parrelell on squats because I have a big bench and I look good

I mean you would actually have to squat to say you can't go past parallel.

10/08/14 01:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

OTOH you go too deep.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Art, please start vlogging.
I can't go past parrelell on squats because I have a big bench and I look good

I mean you would actually have to squat to say you can't go past parallel.

Keep reaching dude

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:35 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: 137
a lot of average gym goers think filming is over excessive and serves no purpose, these are the same guys that set up differently every time they lift, tear shit when they lift, or have "shoulder pain" from their impressive benching. Can't squat past parallel because of excuses, etc, etc/

Filming and spending all that time narrating and editing is what's odd, IMO.

Whats odd about it, I sit at a desk all day to do my job, people surf clubsi during work, I edit videos during work in my downtime. Some interested in the same hobbies follow the videos and I follow others as well. Always something to learn, and I can always check to see how I've progressed.

Whereas others will just have war stories about what they're supposedly capable of but will never reach that level of glory ever again with some cop out they just want to run and enjoy being disciplined.

blah blah blah.

wtf is this thread even about anymore.

You worrying about the time I spent editing could be focused on the time you spend trolling this forum, coming back, leaving, coming back, leaving, pulling up fbi photos of other posters, going to strip clubs, lying about possessions, having people go after you on the internet so they can win the who can expose who more war.

I just don't understand your obsession with what I do with my time and now that you can deadlift more than 300lbs somehow we can relate as advance lifters or some shit now?

I appreciate any goodwill you've given me, but to put your nose in it while pretending to not have your nose in it makes you look really fucking dumb man.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This could be the most ridiculous and hilarious thread in CSi history.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Art, please start vlogging.
I can't go past parrelell on squats because I have a big bench and I look good

I mean you would actually have to squat to say you can't go past parallel.

Keep reaching dude

keep squatting dude

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: TenTwelve
This could be the most ridiculous and hilarious thread in CSi history.
I'm surprised it has gotten this far with out rulers and cocks coming out.

10/08/14 01:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: 137
a lot of average gym goers think filming is over excessive and serves no purpose, these are the same guys that set up differently every time they lift, tear shit when they lift, or have "shoulder pain" from their impressive benching. Can't squat past parallel because of excuses, etc, etc/

Filming and spending all that time narrating and editing is what's odd, IMO.

Whats odd about it, I sit at a desk all day to do my job, people surf clubsi during work, I edit videos during work in my downtime. Some interested in the same hobbies follow the videos and I follow others as well. Always something to learn, and I can always check to see how I've progressed.

Whereas others will just have war stories about what they're supposedly capable of but will never reach that level of glory ever again with some cop out they just want to run and enjoy being disciplined.

blah blah blah.

wtf is this thread even about anymore.

You worrying about the time I spent editing could be focused on the time you spend trolling this forum, coming back, leaving, coming back, leaving, pulling up fbi photos of other posters, going to strip clubs, lying about possessions, having people go after you on the internet so they can win the who can expose who more war.

I just don't understand your obsession with what I do with my time and now that you can deadlift more than 300lbs somehow we can relate as advance lifters or some shit now?

I appreciate any goodwill you've given me, but to put your nose in it while pretending to not have your nose in it makes you look really fucking dumb man.

Make no mistake, I defend your strength results and dedication.

You have other ???? About your style. But more power to you.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:39 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Art, please start vlogging.
I can't go past parrelell on squats because I have a big bench and I look good

that's the most hilarious spelling of parallel I've ever read. My brain processed it as you not being able to go past Pharrell on squats

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137

You worrying about the time I spent editing could be focused on the time you spend trolling this forum, coming back, leaving, coming back, leaving, pulling up fbi photos of other posters, going to strip clubs, lying about possessions, having people go after you on the internet so they can win the who can expose who more war.

I just don't understand your obsession with what I do with my time and now that you can deadlift more than 300lbs somehow we can relate as advance lifters or some shit now?

I appreciate any goodwill you've given me, but to put your nose in it while pretending to not have your nose in it makes you look really fucking dumb man.

wowowowowowowowowowow \:o

10/08/14 01:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

He doesn't understand people discussing his gym life yet he posts it in it's entirety here every single day. Videos, pictures, shirtless pics and diet, Instagram and a blog.

And yet "why are you interested in my shit, dawg!!"

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

to be fair, it doesn't make sense why you are so interested

10/08/14 01:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Also, 137...I can relate to you because I spend but THREE HOURS a week lifting to your TWENTY HOURS A WEEK.

It's safe to say I've gotten more out of my time.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

10/08/14 01:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: justthetip8.5
to be fair, it doesn't make sense why you are so interested

Who said I was interested? I've flowed the thread he runs in another forum, along with a bunch of other people.

What dat memory do?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:45 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

'advanced lifter' status occurs when you lift more than the guy you are arguing with

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

10/08/14 01:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I got that site from silock.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:50 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Lol glory days

This dude is such a clown.

And btw, I've kicked several doors right out of their frame.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:50 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
He doesn't understand people discussing his gym life yet he posts it in it's entirety here every single day. Videos, pictures, shirtless pics and diet, Instagram and a blog.

And yet "why are you interested in my shit, dawg!!"


you say I just can't believe how you spend more than 1 hour in the gym lifting weights, but you also don't understand how I am constantly getting stronger.

makes sense.

you can't understand how I spend so much time filming and blogging, but I can't understand how much time you vested in setting up a gym in your garage and building the perfect anchored weight holders and posting pictures of it, and writing about it, and the gas and traveling involved with just getting shit to pick up and put down in the comfort of your own garage.

I mean clearly more than an hour a day was invested in you setting up this man cave of gains you now live in.

You question me filming stuff... and then you post this.

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Not been worrying about being peeled, and I never have been anyway...but I have been getting stronger. Been focusing heavily on back and shoulders.

I recently hit PRs on all major lifts so I took a day to record form checks.

I know you haven't even said shit about my diet or my eating habits in here or I may have missed them because clearly you've obviously been on the same plan I'm on because you're not 150lbs anymore.

Lets not even get started on using android watches to take selfies so you can inconspicuously look like a douche without looking like a douche for tinder profile pictures. - this one isn't directed at you.

Everyone has their own level of investment they'd like to give in the gym and other people could give a fuck and are enjoying life.

I respect anyone who wants to put in work towards whatever their fucking goal is, whether it's to run forever the fastest, be skinny, be fat, bulk, cut, develop eating disorders, or eat an on rails diet of fish, almonds, and broccoli.

Everyone is different.

and everyone could give a fuck all about what the next man is doing.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:50 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: 137

You worrying about the time I spent editing could be focused on the time you spend trolling this forum, coming back, leaving, coming back, leaving, pulling up fbi photos of other posters, going to strip clubs, lying about possessions, having people go after you on the internet so they can win the who can expose who more war.

I just don't understand your obsession with what I do with my time and now that you can deadlift more than 300lbs somehow we can relate as advance lifters or some shit now?

I appreciate any goodwill you've given me, but to put your nose in it while pretending to not have your nose in it makes you look really fucking dumb man.

wowowowowowowowowowow \:o

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:52 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

it's roid rage right? what are we talking about again?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:52 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol glory days

This dude is such a clown.

And btw, I've kicked several doors right out of their frame.

How many leg presses did you have to do to acquire the strength to break 4 wood screws out of a home depot / lowes door frame, or are there varying levels of difficulty depending on the oem provider of said door frame. Metal screws or iron or doesn't matter?

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol glory days

This dude is such a clown.

And btw, I've kicked several doors right out of their frame.

How many leg presses did you have to do to acquire the strength to break 4 wood screws out of a home depot / lowes door frame, or are there varying levels of difficulty depending on the oem provider of said door frame. Metal screws or iron or doesn't matter?

the decade since originally being laughed at in the OG fitness thread has really fucked you up in the head man

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Go Wayne.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover




(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol glory days

This dude is such a clown.

And btw, I've kicked several doors right out of their frame.

How many leg presses did you have to do to acquire the strength to break 4 wood screws out of a home depot / lowes door frame, or are there varying levels of difficulty depending on the oem provider of said door frame. Metal screws or iron or doesn't matter?

the decade since originally being laughed at in the OG fitness thread has really fucked you up in the head man

this was a serious question, also can you provide some videos on proper form to be used when kicking out a metal security screen door, those ones are bolted in pretty good. Just want to make sure I don't blow my knee up trying to kick out a door frame supported by 20 studs in a concrete foundation.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I love this thread.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover




I love that "Happy" song he sings.

10/08/14 01:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm confused, is Wayne trying to call me fat?

Lol I'm 175lbs Wayne.

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:58 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

What if you tough guys kicked in the door and it fell ON the baby?

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 01:58 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

spend 20 hours/week training when you could have used this.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category.
we believe you. /blows dust off bowflex dumbbells

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover




This thread dellivererrs

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category.
we believe you

blog of my journey incoming

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:02 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Anyone else surprised that certain people are absent from this thread?

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:02 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

this has definitely turned into an f5 thread.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I love this thread.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I'm confused, is Wayne trying to call me fat?

Lol I'm 175lbs Wayne.

Aren't you 5' 10" how do you look worse than me at 175 than I do at 205.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I'm confused, is Wayne trying to call me fat?

Lol I'm 175lbs Wayne.

Aren't you 5' 10" how do you look worse than me at 175 than I do at 205.

This thread just refueled.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

" 5'10" "

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Well if you're serious the textbook maneuver is a mule kick but, only fairies do that.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
" 5'10" "
oh shit

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Best thread since jizzgate.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Well if you're serious the textbook maneuver is a mule kick but, only fairies do that.

haha that would actually be funny as fuck to see demonstrated. especially if you have to watch videos of it being done that were made in the 70's.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:11 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

The funniest video is the one teaching you how to deliver a baby in the back of the car from the 60s....most graphic shit ever.

"You're a beautiful mother"

Anyone who has had to watch that will know

10/08/14 02:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I'm confused, is Wayne trying to call me fat?

Lol I'm 175lbs Wayne.

Aren't you 5' 10" how do you look worse than me at 175 than I do at 205.
I don't. You're just delusional.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I have to give it up to 137, some grade A shit up in this trollertex.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped

You are not pressing your bicep hard enough against your chest bro.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

10/08/14 02:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
You are not pressing your bicep hard enough against your chest bro.
Wasn't posing...didn't even know he was taking the pic. Probably because I was pulling on the wheel trying to climb a rock. Don't think it's really pressing on anything either. Maybe a little.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 02:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric

It's all in the hips

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

yep, just found it... everyone measure your penis. What if we could actually get organized enough to put all this to rest. Like all these guys claiming to be the biggest buffest Mfer put their money where their mouth is. We score each category by points. There are 5 classes, so 1 point for an untrained lift, 5 is elite. Times 6 Categories. Total max score of 30 points. Video must be uploaded to prove point. Highest score gets a t shirt with Art's face on it.

10/08/14 02:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I think the strongest guys here are Art, Euphoric, Fireinthehole, Impulsive

??? Who am I missing? 137 I guess, but he tarded out.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

What the hell happened in here

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I think the strongest guys here are Art, Euphoric, Fireinthehole, Impulsive

??? Who am I missing? 137 I guess, but he tarded out.


norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

I'll take intermediate lifter and advanced tennis player over elite meat head.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
What the hell happened in here
137 kicked the door and we all rushed in to save the infant child

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
RPE based as well set up in a linear periodization which is all self modulating

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

yes yes, please post more baggy clothes pictures... while I posted a picture of me after 2300 calories and a gallon and a half of water trolling...

here you go, took this before I eat my lunch, about half a gallon of water in already.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You. Don't. Look. Good.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
You. Don't. Look. Good.

got any mirrors handy. you. don't. look. good.

if you want to compare two guys lifting for lifting and not aesthetics, we're just putting my "leanness" up against ob1s at a taller and lighter weight. tis all, continue trolling.

10/08/14 02:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I don't take pics of myself like that. Let alone daily like you. Those also aren't baggy.

I also don't have both a D cup and B cup tit like you do.

Go pick your fight somewhere else. I'm not interested.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I don't take pics of myself like that. Let alone daily like you. Those also aren't baggy.

I also don't have both a D cup and B cup tit like you do.

Go pick your fight somewhere else. I'm not interested.

Oh I'm not picking a fight, you simply wanted to argue and I'm just putting you back in your place on the intermediate pedestal you stepped up from to the advanced platform.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
You. Don't. Look. Good.

got any mirrors handy. you. don't. look. good.

if you want to compare two guys lifting for lifting and not aesthetics, we're just putting my "leanness" up against ob1s at a taller and lighter weight. tis all, continue trolling.
is there some special aesthetics routine? I do the same lifts as you.

And I look way better, and I'm bigger, and I'm stronger. And I'm not even trying.

10/08/14 02:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
You. Don't. Look. Good.
This is the one he posted yesterday.

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:35 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I think the strongest guys.... Euphoric.....


(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I think the strongest guys here are Art, Euphoric, Fireinthehole, Impulsive

??? Who am I missing? 137 I guess, but he tarded out.

I might be stronger than some of you guys (depending how you define strong)
.. 5'9 197lbs

I was finally able to bust out 1 unassisted rep of 315 on the bench.

I mentioned in the fitness forum that I've stopped lifting as heavy because my arms literally arent fitting in a lot of my shirts (obv brag post). I dont want to have to buy new polos.

10/08/14 02:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I don't take pics of myself like that. Let alone daily like you. Those also aren't baggy.

I also don't have both a D cup and B cup tit like you do.

Go pick your fight somewhere else. I'm not interested.

Oh I'm not picking a fight, you simply wanted to argue and I'm just putting you back in your place on the intermediate pedestal you stepped up from to the advanced platform.
Back in my place?

What place is that? You ARE fat. I'm not. I'm not shredded either, although I never claimed to be nor tried to be.

You're stronger than I am, that's clear.

If that's where you want me then I guess "I'm back in my place". Although I never realized that I left it.

10/08/14 02:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
I might be stronger than some of you guys.. 5' 197lbs

I was finally able to bust out 1 unassisted rep of 315 on the bench.

I mentioned in the fitness forum that I've stopped lifting as heavy because my arms literally arent fitting in a lot of my shirts (obv brag post). I dont want to have to buy new polos.

You've got me...I have no idea what I can flat bench. Maybe 265. Recently did 275 after a 5x5 workout on decline. You have me by 20lbs tho.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I think the strongest guys here are Art, Euphoric, Fireinthehole, Impulsive

??? Who am I missing? 137 I guess, but he tarded out.

I might be stronger than some of you guys (depending how you define strong)
.. 5' 197lbs

I was finally able to bust out 1 unassisted rep of 315 on the bench.

I mentioned in the fitness forum that I've stopped lifting as heavy because my arms literally arent fitting in a lot of my shirts (obv brag post). I dont want to have to buy new polos.

you gotta be on the list my nigga, everyone here only benches anyway. Art only benches and drinks smoothies and kicks doors down as cardio.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
I might be stronger than some of you guys.. 5' 197lbs

I was finally able to bust out 1 unassisted rep of 315 on the bench.

I mentioned in the fitness forum that I've stopped lifting as heavy because my arms literally arent fitting in a lot of my shirts (obv brag post). I dont want to have to buy new polos.

You've got me...I have no idea what I can flat bench. Maybe 265. Recently did 275 after a 5x5 workout on decline. You have me by 20lbs tho.

I wish I was minus 20lbs lol.. My legs and butt are too fat \:\(

My usual workout takes about an hour though.. Something typically like this:

3 x 8 flat bench @ 225
3 x 8 Incline @ 185
3 x 8 Decline @ 185
3 x 8 skullcrushers
3 x 8 tricep pulldown
3 x 8 Military Press
3 x 12 Dips

Not sure how I could even spend 4 hours in the gym. I guess if I took like 5 minutes rest between each set? Maybe Crazy Cardio?

I dont want to be there, so I kind of try to be out quickly though \:\)

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

yeah, after 1.5 hours i'm stir crazy. no idea how i could do 4+ hours in the gym.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

crazed... you're 5 foot 5? or 5 just feet tall?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:48 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Nothing wrong with either controlled drops or being a dropper. Personally I control to about my knees and then let it go (I don't mean letting go of the bar) and reset.

That video does appear a bit...hasty.

You're supposed to drop once the bar passes the knees.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:52 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: justthetip8.5
crazed... you're 5 foot 5? or 5 just feet tall?

5'9... Do I like 5'5" ? \:\(

EDIT: Please verify by measuring doorway and height of TV

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Your post says 5'.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 02:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I probably spend more time exercising per week than 137. He's got the dedication to his lifting program down. If he tightened up the diet, he could shred up pretty quickly. I don't understand the hate.

10/08/14 03:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
I wish I was minus 20lbs lol.. My legs and butt are too fat \:\(
I'd like to be 15lbs lighter...but I've been eating to get stronger all summer.

I've been preparing for UD2 and I am close to deploying it. As soon as I go back to the 531 I think I will.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
I probably spend more time exercising per week than 137. He's got the dedication to his lifting program down. If he tightened up the diet, he could shred up pretty quickly. I don't understand the hate.

 Originally Posted By: coach
Hola Wayne,

Don't trip on the diet, we aren't dieting YET. So you're good ;\) If you feel leaner that's really the key to adherence as it'll drive the motivation to keep going. Especially the longer you go without breaking the diet too badly. A big part of adherence is learning that breaking the diet isn't necessarily a negative thing. Enjoying time with friends, family, SOs, whatever it may be - is a HUGE part of life that should never be neglected or create negative feelings.

Things started out well with a caloric surplus, but my bbc genetics took over and we started to pack on some weight after a few weeks and slowly have been pulling calories back to avoid cardio and maintain my weight.

After this week we will begin to taper my down to 175-180's so I can compete at 181. Most likely in March if I can get a spot

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
but my bbc genetics took over and we started to pack on some weight

Big Beautiful... Californian?

Adam G
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

Those are pretty ambitious numbers. I've been Advanced in four of them, could never touch Elite though.

(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 03:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

i only lift to look good naked... sign me up for roids

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
I probably spend more time exercising per week than 137. He's got the dedication to his lifting program down. If he tightened up the diet, he could shred up pretty quickly. I don't understand the hate.

Just messing with him cause he's got a coach, tracks meals, records everything, etc.. I just eat when I'm hungry and use some workouts I found on

If I had some real guidance and focus like 137 does, I could probably be Art lol.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: 137
but my bbc genetics took over and we started to pack on some weight

Big Beautiful... Californian?

Big black...

Some argue that black genetics helps are person get bigger and stronger with less effort.

10/08/14 03:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Adam G
 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

Those are pretty ambitious numbers. I've been Advanced in four of them, could never touch Elite though.

For 1rm?
I mean the principle is advanced is training(3-5 years), elite is it likely takes some genetics, right? At the lower weights it seems acheivable.

10/08/14 03:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: 137
but my bbc genetics took over and we started to pack on some weight

Big Beautiful... Californian?

Big black...

Some argue that black genetics helps are person get bigger and stronger with less effort.
I think, on the norm, you guys are generally bigger, stronger and more cut naturally.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: 137
but my bbc genetics took over and we started to pack on some weight

Big Beautiful... Californian?

Big black...

Some argue that black genetics helps are person get bigger and stronger with less effort.

Big Black Californian?

Seacrest, OUT!
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

never would have guessed this thread would go 17 pages.

Adam G
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
 Originally Posted By: Adam G
 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

Those are pretty ambitious numbers. I've been Advanced in four of them, could never touch Elite though.

For 1rm?
I mean the principle is advanced is training(3-5 years), elite is it likely takes some genetics, right? At the lower weights it seems acheivable.

Yeah, definitely talking 1RM.

I don't think you necessarily need genetics, but if you don't have them you're going to be working at it longer. My lifting partner in high school and college became a trainer and natural bodybuilder after we left college and never stopped pushing himself. When he started he was 6'3" and 175 or so and today he's probably in the 230 range. Nobody would accuse him of being a genetically gifted powerlifter. But he stuck at it pretty compulsively and I think he can crank out 4 or 5 reps at 405 on the bench, for example. That's more than elite according to that website.

Miles Long
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: 137
but my bbc genetics took over and we started to pack on some weight

Big Beautiful... Californian?

Big black...

Some argue that black genetics helps are person get bigger and stronger with less effort.
I think, on the norm, you guys are generally bigger, stronger and more cut naturally.

I would argue that too. Black guys seem to be great athletes with lesser effort.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Lol I love how he reaches so much

"Everyone only benches" lol such a clown

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Getting strong crazed. Mad strong.

10/08/14 03:58 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Adam G
 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
 Originally Posted By: Adam G
 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

Those are pretty ambitious numbers. I've been Advanced in four of them, could never touch Elite though.

For 1rm?
I mean the principle is advanced is training(3-5 years), elite is it likely takes some genetics, right? At the lower weights it seems acheivable.

Yeah, definitely talking 1RM.

I don't think you necessarily need genetics, but if you don't have them you're going to be working at it longer. My lifting partner in high school and college became a trainer and natural bodybuilder after we left college and never stopped pushing himself. When he started he was 6'3" and 175 or so and today he's probably in the 230 range. Nobody would accuse him of being a genetically gifted powerlifter. But he stuck at it pretty compulsively and I think he can crank out 4 or 5 reps at 405 on the bench, for example. That's more than elite according to that website.

SO in a sense, you agree with the rankings?
An individual who has trained regularly for up to a couple years.
An individual who has trained multiple years.
An athlete competing in strength sports. Keep in mind, the standards shown in the tables do not represent the highest level of strength performance possible."

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 03:59 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
 Originally Posted By: Adam G
 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

Those are pretty ambitious numbers. I've been Advanced in four of them, could never touch Elite though.

For 1rm?
I mean the principle is advanced is training(3-5 years), elite is it likely takes some genetics, right? At the lower weights it seems acheivable.

It also depends on what else you do. I've been lifting for god knows how long, but my weights are still solidly in the intermediate, with a few in the advanced column. It takes me years and years to build strength because of how much soccer I play. You can't serve two masters. Well, you can, but if you do, you won't be as good as you can be at both at the same time.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
After this week we will begin to taper


You'll be in my thoughts and prayers

10/08/14 04:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
 Originally Posted By: Adam G
 Originally Posted By: 65_289_doe
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
When does one become an advanced lifter? Is related to how much goofy shit you wear while doing it? Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

There is an internet chart that OB1 goes by, it's posted in the fitness forum.

I was surprised to find myself fit into the "intermediate" category. I therefore have no right to participate in any *lifting* discussions with the *advanced* csiers.

brb, I have to find this link.

Those are pretty ambitious numbers. I've been Advanced in four of them, could never touch Elite though.

For 1rm?
I mean the principle is advanced is training(3-5 years), elite is it likely takes some genetics, right? At the lower weights it seems acheivable.

It also depends on what else you do. I've been lifting for god knows how long, but my weights are still solidly in the intermediate, with a few in the advanced column. It takes me years and years to build strength because of how much soccer I play. You can't serve two masters. Well, you can, but if you do, you won't be as good as you can be at both at the same time.

True enough. I've noticed a bit of that, though at a much lower level of fitness.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol I love how he reaches so much

"Everyone only benches" lol such a clown

I almost never bench, but I am going too tonight in Wayne's honor. In the squat rack.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol I love how he reaches so much

"Everyone only benches" lol such a clown

it's okay art, I believe you are the strongest. I really do believe it, no sarcasm. You are the head natural in charge of clubsi.

10/08/14 04:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol I love how he reaches so much

"Everyone only benches" lol such a clown

it's okay art, I believe you are the strongest. I really do believe it, no sarcasm. You are the head natural in charge of clubsi.

Don't forget the fastest, dude can hammer out a 10 miler like no-one's business....

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol I love how he reaches so much

"Everyone only benches" lol such a clown

I almost never bench, but I am going too tonight in Wayne's honor. In the squat rack.

No no no, squat racks are for biceps curls.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol I love how he reaches so much

"Everyone only benches" lol such a clown

it's okay art, I believe you are the strongest. I really do believe it, no sarcasm. You are the head natural in charge of clubsi.

Don't forget the fastest, dude can hammer out a 10 miler like no-one's business....
he must only bench!

He must not be able to run!

It's too fucking funny from you clowns

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Professor PakiAdministrator
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:29 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

HOW is this bullshit seventeen pages laughwun.

10/08/14 04:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: pakisho
HOW is this bullshit seventeen pages laughwun.
Every 4th post is some dipshit asking how it turned out to be ## pages long, and 3 posts explaining how before the next idiot asks....

Professor PakiAdministrator
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Who you callin dipshit, dipshit!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 04:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I hope it goes for another 17.

10/08/14 04:35 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

A few pages ago 137 came in crying and lashing out, really randomly. He made this thread about him. People laft1'd.

After I defended him on a few points he turned on cheeseburger splitting the shit out onto his lap, and messed all over me.

Called me fat.

It hurt.

He said Art was weak.

Art is on the way over there as we speak.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 05:11 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
He doesn't understand people discussing his gym life yet he posts it in it's entirety here every single day. Videos, pictures, shirtless pics and diet, Instagram and a blog.

And yet "why are you interested in my shit, dawg!!"

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
Sometimes Wayne looks like a damn mummy with all the shit he's got his boddy wrapped up with. \:D

So much this. The guy works hard and lift heavy and sure likes to get naked for the camera.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 05:18 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I think the strongest guys here are Art, Euphoric, Fireinthehole, Impulsive

??? Who am I missing? 137 I guess, but he tarded out.


Not sure if I qualify anymore. At 197lb I was in the elite range on B- 405 and D- 605 and was literally exactly at elite on S at 505. This was almost a decade ago though LOL. I was working out 5 days per week, eating 18 eggs per day plus other foods and tons of protein shakes, and I slept 8 hours per night.

Last year I got pretty strong again, but then I met my GF who tries to make me stay home with her every night to cuddle and watch movies, and she likes to cook a lot of carbs for me so other girls won't like me anymore. LOL. I literally went to the gym about 5 times from Thanksgiving 2013 until July 2014.

I recently started lifting again and I'm like 225lb at 6ft (aka fat ass fuck) and I'll never do a max out lift again. Too old and just don't care enough. Currently with perfect form I'm only at B- 285x6, S- 315x6, D- 405x6, and I have no plans to go any higher with my sketchy back discs and right shoulder is kinda ghey. In fact, I think I'm going to drop weight and increase reps to the 8-10 range.

My plan is to lose about 10 lbs of fat, then lift a lot while keeping the diet semi clean through winter, and then cutting all the carbs out in the spring to get down around 200lb.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 05:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
 Originally Posted By: lunchbox
 Originally Posted By: 137
but my bbc genetics took over and we started to pack on some weight

Big Beautiful... Californian?

Big black...

Some argue that black genetics helps are person get bigger and stronger with less effort.

In that previous post, you realize I wasn't saying that you looked 5 foot 5 or 5 foot. You're post wrote that you were only five foot tall. That's why I was confused.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 05:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I wonder if EmptyWallet is still lifting. Dude was jacked.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 05:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Pretty sure he openly juiced too.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 06:02 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yeah, he was very knowledgable on the subject. Really smart guy.

(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 07:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm kind of sad/glad steroids aren't easily attainable to me since i might be tempted to do a cycle.

(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 07:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

ok... Back to the trash talking.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 07:39 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Lol just head over to golds in m city

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 07:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm really quite surprised at the number of you that might consider it. I have absolutely zero interest in taking PED's of any kind.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 07:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
I'm really quite surprised at the number of you that might consider it. I have absolutely zero interest in taking PED's of any kind.

(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 07:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Lol just head over to golds in m city

i rather forcefully rub my cock on a cheese grater then hit up m city

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 07:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
I'm really quite surprised at the number of you that might consider it. I have absolutely zero interest in taking PED's of any kind.

Im really suprised that people arent tryin to get clenbuterol.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 07:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm sure you used to hang out at all the same places I did

Per DM
(Post Master Sr)
10/08/14 08:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Took me a good while to read through this thread, but it was def worth it. lol at all the man boob pics and other pics. Thread needs renamed "midlife crisis thread of the century".

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 08:11 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: mayweather M.B.A.
Took me a good while to read through this thread, but it was def worth it. lol at all the man boob pics and other pics. Thread needs renamed "midlife crisis thread of the century".

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

Maybe the flame broiler at burger king

Anastasia Beaverhausen
(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 09:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

Maybe the flame broiler at burger king

And the hits just keep on coming

10/08/14 10:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

Maybe the flame broiler at burger king

Fuck you asshole!

I just laughed so hard I woke my sleeping baby.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 10:52 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
I'm really quite surprised at the number of you that might consider it.
thats cause youre a dumb housewife \:D

(Post Master Supreme)
10/08/14 11:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
I'm really quite surprised at the number of you that might consider it. I have absolutely zero interest in taking PED's of any kind.

I'm tempted just for the recovery aspect. Being able to sustain playing soccer every single day would be amazing. As I've gotten older, I've had to cut back to every other day.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

Maybe the flame broiler at burger king

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:09 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

I'm just waiting for your video showing you lift more than me.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:13 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I just ate a whole bag of trail mix..

7 servings at 140 calories each

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:18 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06
I just ate a whole bag of trail mix..

7 servings at 140 calories each

top ramen had me fucked up when I was like "oh man only 26carbs, this is great" 1/3 serving. are you kidding me gtfo

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 07:37 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

I'm just waiting for your video showing you lift more than me.


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 07:38 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Nice job Wayne!

10/09/14 07:44 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

That's some weight right there. Can I take 4 plates off please?

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 07:52 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Why doensn't Art post up when he gets called out? He has posted tons of pics/vids previously, what's so different this time?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm still wondering why there's an 18 page dick measuring contest when there are no women to impress.

10/09/14 08:34 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I think DM finally got something right.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:35 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
Why doensn't Art post up when he gets called out? He has posted tons of pics/vids previously, what's so different this time?

He's getting more mature? Doesn't have the time right now to take pictures for a forum? Plenty of potential reasons.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:36 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: FireInTheWhole
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

I'm just waiting for your video showing you lift more than me.


I clicked to see what the video was of, ended up looking at 137's girl lol

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:38 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Awesome job Wayne. You have 525 easily!

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:38 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I get that being strong is better than being a scrawny lil man but how strong does one have to be before they are satisfied? what good is benching or squatting a house if you work behind a computer screen 8 hours a day?

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:40 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
Why doensn't Art post up when he gets called out? He has posted tons of pics/vids previously, what's so different this time?
Because it's far more hilarious this way.

I'm part of waynes psyche now, he started raging about me in this thread before I even said hello to him.

Also, I don't have anything to prove.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:41 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: TenTwelve
I'm still wondering why there's an 18 page dick measuring contest when there are no women to impress.

You've been to a gym, right?


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:41 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: justthetip8.5
 Originally Posted By: FireInTheWhole
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I wanna hear more about wayne saving children from fires

I'm just waiting for your video showing you lift more than me.


I clicked to see what the video was of, ended up looking at 137's girl lol

I can respect that

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:44 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

she's fine, you have good taste


10/09/14 08:44 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Also, I don't have anything to prove.
Honestly I think many people are questioning if you're trolling more than you can actually lift heavy.

Sure, we can all see you're a large person and that you're naturally pretty strong and cut. Even if you never lifted I think you'd be stronger than me, for example...and it wouldn't take much to jack you up. However...whether or not you even lift anymore or whether or not you're "really strong" (relative to your own size and weight)...I'm not so sure.

Yeah, you'll say that you have nothing to prove, and you might even believe it...but you really do. It's not unfair for people to expect proof after all that mouth.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:45 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
Why doensn't Art post up when he gets called out? He has posted tons of pics/vids previously, what's so different this time?
Because it's far more hilarious this way.

It's all just part of the bigger joke you are, so quick to shit on anyone who has advice or lends a helping hand because they're not walking around like an ambercrombie model that supposedly has big internet lifts. All this bullshit about "oh they talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk" while you're posting on csi in your fucking abdominal covered wheel chair, dead ass.

I'm part of waynes psyche now, he started raging about me in this thread before I even said hello to him.

You wish

Also, I can't hit any of the numbers I said I can, but I can fuck up a door real quick

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:45 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: zones
I get that being strong is better than being a scrawny lil man but how strong does one have to be before they are satisfied? what good is benching or squatting a house if you work behind a computer screen 8 hours a day?

This was the realization that I came to when I was lifting heavy (for me) a few years back. I was doing a mid-400lb deadlift set and felt something pop in my front ribs. Likely a quickly dislocated rib that went back. It was warning enough.

After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:46 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Also, I don't have anything to prove.
Honestly I think many people are questioning if you're trolling more than you can actually lift heavy.

Sure, we can all see you're a large person and that you're naturally pretty strong and cut. Even if you never lifted I think you'd be stronger than me, for example...and it wouldn't take much to jack you up. However...whether or not you even lift anymore or whether or not you're "really strong" (relative to your own size and weight)...I'm not so sure.

Yeah, you'll say that you have nothing to prove, and you might even believe it...but you really do. It's not unfair for people to expect proof after all that mouth.

See, this is where it gets hilarious.

Now we have OB1 as a fitness expert, commenting on my physique and lifts and genetics and questioning whether or not I even lift bro.

We really have come full circle on this forum.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:46 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
Awesome job Wayne. You have 525 easily!

Biggups to Wayne. That's movin' weight.

10/09/14 08:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).
This is where I'm headed. I think I'm nearly as strong as I'll be, or will try to be. Although I'd like to stay about this. Up the cardio and be done killing myself every week.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

For all the talk, you could at least back it up.

Seal Team None
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: zones
I get that being strong is better than being a scrawny lil man but how strong does one have to be before they are satisfied? what good is benching or squatting a house if you work behind a computer screen 8 hours a day?

This was the realization that I came to when I was lifting heavy (for me) a few years back. I was doing a mid-400lb deadlift set and felt something pop in my front ribs. Likely a quickly dislocated rib that went back. It was warning enough.

After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).

Exactly. You don't need to deadlift a pick up truck to look good. Would much rather run/swim/bike than sit at a gym for 4 hours lifting weights.

10/09/14 08:49 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Also, I don't have anything to prove.
Honestly I think many people are questioning if you're trolling more than you can actually lift heavy.

Sure, we can all see you're a large person and that you're naturally pretty strong and cut. Even if you never lifted I think you'd be stronger than me, for example...and it wouldn't take much to jack you up. However...whether or not you even lift anymore or whether or not you're "really strong" (relative to your own size and weight)...I'm not so sure.

Yeah, you'll say that you have nothing to prove, and you might even believe it...but you really do. It's not unfair for people to expect proof after all that mouth.
See, this is where it gets hilarious.

Now we have OB1 as a fitness expert, commenting on my physique and lifts and genetics and questioning whether or not I even lift bro.

We really have come full circle on this forum.
Not really...they're all good points that you deflected, as usual.

Not claiming to be an expert. I've been doing this a while now...and, in case you haven't noticed, it isn't rocket science.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

In reality a combo of all that would be best.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).
This is where I'm headed. I think I'm nearly as strong as I'll be, or will try to be. Although I'd like to stay about this. Up the cardio and be done killing myself every week.

Oh, and around that time, someone invited me to a 5k run. I did it cold because I was "in shape." Well, I did it, but I felt like complete shit during/afterward. That was unacceptable and a little scary considering I started my fitness life running pretty effectively. I felt heavy, I felt slow and I was probably headed toward unhealthy IMO.

Anyway, back to shitfest.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 08:58 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).
This is where I'm headed. I think I'm nearly as strong as I'll be, or will try to be. Although I'd like to stay about this. Up the cardio and be done killing myself every week.

Oh, and around that time, someone invited me to a 5k run. I did it cold because I was "in shape." Well, I did it, but I felt like complete shit during/afterward. That was unacceptable and a little scary considering I started my fitness life running pretty effectively. I felt heavy, I felt slow and I was probably headed toward unhealthy IMO.

Anyway, back to shitfest.

My goal is to be in sub 2 hour half marathon shape for the rest of my life.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:01 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Well, stay safe. I can't imagine the human body can take that without injury for an extended period of time.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:05 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom

My goal is to be in sub 2 hour half marathon shape for the rest of my life.

My goal is to stay off of daily meds for as longs possible (never been on them), not wheeze while playing with my young children, and maintain some semblance of tone.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:07 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).
This is where I'm headed. I think I'm nearly as strong as I'll be, or will try to be. Although I'd like to stay about this. Up the cardio and be done killing myself every week.

Oh, and around that time, someone invited me to a 5k run. I did it cold because I was "in shape." Well, I did it, but I felt like complete shit during/afterward. That was unacceptable and a little scary considering I started my fitness life running pretty effectively. I felt heavy, I felt slow and I was probably headed toward unhealthy IMO.

Anyway, back to shitfest.

My goal is to be in sub 2 hour half marathon shape for the rest of my life.

My goal is to be able to run a 1/2 marathon sub 2 hr ONCE

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Well, stay safe. I can't imagine the human body can take that without injury for an extended period of time.

People do it all the time. If I were injury prone I think I would have seen it by now. Plus, a half marathon isn't that far. \:\)

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:09 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: zakcits
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).
This is where I'm headed. I think I'm nearly as strong as I'll be, or will try to be. Although I'd like to stay about this. Up the cardio and be done killing myself every week.

Oh, and around that time, someone invited me to a 5k run. I did it cold because I was "in shape." Well, I did it, but I felt like complete shit during/afterward. That was unacceptable and a little scary considering I started my fitness life running pretty effectively. I felt heavy, I felt slow and I was probably headed toward unhealthy IMO.

Anyway, back to shitfest.

My goal is to be in sub 2 hour half marathon shape for the rest of my life.

My goal is to be able to run a 1/2 marathon sub 2 hr ONCE

You race I bet.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:10 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Wait.....I missed the HALF marathon. Whew. I was like "what the fuck is he talking about?" but didn't want to go hard at my watch maker. <3

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:11 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26

After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).

Same here. I'm still about 90% of my max strength, but much lighter/faster. I can still put up some solid numbers in my lifts and then go for an 8 mile run after or play a full hockey game and piss people off because I'm "that guy" who doesn't gas.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:16 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
Wait.....I missed the HALF marathon. Whew. I was like "what the fuck is he talking about?" but didn't want to go hard at my watch maker. <3

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:17 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Ive always been a proponent to well rounded fitness. Not just all out strength(or cardio). I clearly remember getting a hard time for suggesting some needed more cardio. "have you squated heavy bro, thats my cardio"

On the other side of things. Training and living that "marathon lifestyle" is not generally healthy for most people either.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:17 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26

After that I integrated a ton more cardio and just try to maintain a good balance of strength and endurance that will hopefully carry me into middle age like a boss (and hopefully injury free).

Same here. I'm still about 90% of my max strength, but much lighter/faster. I can still put up some solid numbers in my lifts and then go for an 8 mile run after or play a full hockey game and piss people off because I'm "that guy" who doesn't gas.

Let's rub bellies.

But seriously, that's how to do it.

I think a lot of lifters think they're going to lose all this strength immediately upon getting into cardio. They won't. Sure, they'll lose that 10% or whatever, but they'll also be able to see their abs and ride a 100 mile bike race, go to sleep, and get up and do it again the next day lol testimonial.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:19 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
Ive always been a proponent to well rounded fitness. Not just all out strength(or cardio). I clearly remember getting a hard time for suggesting some needed more cardio. "have you squated heavy bro, thats my cardio"

That might have even been me at one point. I was convinced heavy deads and squats were all I needed for cardio (and I had read something to that effect).

I learned the semi-hard way that I was wrong.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:19 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26

I think a lot of lifters think they're going to lose all this strength immediately upon getting into cardio.
you were exactly like this. Just saying edit: treed.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:20 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This thread has been great motivation to get my ass back into the gym.


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:21 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:21 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
This thread has been great motivation to get my ass back into the gym.


Clen inbound.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:21 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
This thread has been great motivation to get my ass back into the gym.


Clen inbound.

I don't wanna stroke out

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:22 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

eat clen and tren hard!

10/09/14 09:27 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
This thread has been great motivation to get my ass back into the gym.


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:30 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:30 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

If that's not chopped that dude is the worst clown of them all.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:31 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I think those injections are big with the persian crowd or something.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:32 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Synthol. I just can't wrap my head around that shit.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 09:34 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
I think those injections are big with the persian crowd or something.

South America.

Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:01 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Since this thread is a shit show. I hit a PR this morning. 315x6 deadlift. No roids!

10/09/14 10:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I should hope fucking not!! Even a bitch like me hits that.

I went for 305 squat the other day...and couldn't get my ass down.

Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:05 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Who you callin a bitch, bitch?

I haven't been doing any lifting for several months because fat and lazy.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:05 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
I should hope fucking not!! Even a bitch like me hits that.

I went for 305 squat the other day...and couldn't get my ass down.

Then back'er down OB and work up to it.

I don't want you to crush one of those garage dogs when you fall over.

10/09/14 10:07 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I called ME a bitch.

I did...I managed 300 the week before and felt good.

I was wrong. I rocked forward just enough to fail.

Working weight 5x5 squat is 275.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:08 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Baby saving status - 85%.

Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:10 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

My goal is to save two babies. Some day...

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:11 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Nick in SD 07Sti
My goal is to save two babies in the same day...

10/09/14 10:12 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Does it count when your own kids do something that makes you want to kill them and you decide not to?

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:15 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Last night as I was finishing my pullup sets at the park I daydreamed I was hanging on for life on the side of a cliff...Wayne lay on the ground below, dead as a baby crushed by a door mule kicked by Art while Johnso had fainted jogging for help.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:17 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Does it count when your own kids do something that makes you want to kill them and you decide not to?

I'll allow it.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:21 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
Last night as I was finishing my pullup sets at the park I daydreamed I was hanging on for life on the side of a cliff...Wayne lay on the ground below, dead as a baby crushed by a door mule kicked by Art while Johnso had fainted jogging for help.

Hey fucko, that was a long time ago.

I'll run your shit ragged and do burpies on your old lady afterward.

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:26 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
Last night as I was finishing my pullup sets at the park I daydreamed I was hanging on for life on the side of a cliff...Wayne lay on the ground below, dead as a baby crushed by a door mule kicked by Art while Johnso had fainted jogging for help.

Hey fucko, that was a long time ago.

I'll run your shit ragged and do burpies on your old lady afterward.

I didn't say WHY you fainted. Maybe as you were jogging you saw OB1 and he actually IS 5'10".

(Post Master Sr)
10/09/14 10:35 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
 Originally Posted By: Johnso26
 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
Last night as I was finishing my pullup sets at the park I daydreamed I was hanging on for life on the side of a cliff...Wayne lay on the ground below, dead as a baby crushed by a door mule kicked by Art while Johnso had fainted jogging for help.

Hey fucko, that was a long time ago.

I'll run your shit ragged and do burpies on your old lady afterward.

I didn't say WHY you fainted. Maybe as you were jogging you saw OB1 and he actually IS 5'10".

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:39 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Nick in SD 07Sti
Since this thread is a shit show. I hit a PR this morning. 315x6 deadlift. No roids!

good shit man

10/09/14 10:39 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Here's a crazy story....I was recently with a CSi member. The subject came up...he said he was 5-9. I was taller. \:D

This is months maybe I shrunk since then.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:40 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Were you in high heels though?

10/09/14 10:41 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Running shoes. \:D

Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:41 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

They were wedges asshole.

10/09/14 10:44 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Mick in SD
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:45 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Well at least you proved that you are a head taller than the other CSI member!

10/09/14 11:49 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover

Also, I don't have anything to prove.

Yeah, we've all accepted you can't run 10 miles, nor beat 21 minutes on a 5km(or whatever the gauntlet was)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:05 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover

Also, I don't have anything to prove.

Yeah, we've all accepted you can't run 10 miles, nor beat 21 minutes on a 5km(or whatever the gauntlet was)

Nothing I love more with a dog with a huge bark and a weak ass bite.

10/09/14 12:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Weak bite? You challenging him to a pie eating contest?

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

ITT: csi no longer believes Art is the strongest.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Waiting on video proof

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Having nothing to prove rhetoric inbound.

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I remember Art said he was going to serve a tennis ball at his g/f's head and knock a beer can off. And video it. Or something like that.

Did he ever do it?


It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

10/09/14 12:22 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

*Will prove that he can jump onto a short wall

*Will not prove that he actually lifts what he claims

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

youre reaching too far. You gonna end up getting crossed up tho.

10/09/14 12:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Unless those are not facts then there's no reach at all.

Did you or did you not post a video proving you could jump on a wall?

Are you or are you not declining to prove what you say you can lift? (You haven't claimed numbers, but we have a say you can out lift 137)

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Not only have i claimed numbers, I've bragged numbers and made fun of people who lift less. I've also posted hundreds of pictures and videos in the past decade and the only person who was even on my playing field (well in jackednss) was a pre show diesel.

Hell I posted a bench press video while drunk

This is hilarious now though, especially the people trying to talk shit

10/09/14 12:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Amazing that none of us have ever seen these mysterious videos.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Oh, and Manu

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Amazing that none of us have ever seen these mysterious videos.
I don't respect you, you know that right?

We are not peers.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

What's up with Manu? I remember he looked pretty big at one point. Does he still work out?

10/09/14 12:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I haven't requested your respect.

These videos don't exist.

And if you so willingly posted video then either repost them or post new ones.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:35 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

lol, art has said many times he's not the caricature of himself he portrays online. Im sure half the shit he says is said in jest. Not to discredit his size or strength... but to actually ask for videos of him running 4 minute miles, backwards, with 10 burning babies on his back is a little crazy

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:35 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
What's up with Manu? I remember he looked pretty big at one point. Does he still work out?
haven't talked to him in like 4-5 years

I'm sure he does he was pretty legit

Not like these blog stars these days

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It's funny watching ob1 think he's finally on the offensive

10/09/14 12:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
It's funny watching ob1 think he's finally on the offensive
Your picture was posted in here. You should sit down.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
It's funny watching ob1 think he's finally on the offensive
hahahaha exactly!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
It's funny watching ob1 think he's finally on the offensive
Your picture was posted in here. You should sit down.

I'd still be taller than you \:\|

10/09/14 12:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
It's funny watching ob1 think he's finally on the offensive
Your picture was posted in here. You should sit down.

I'd still be taller than you \:\|
You're only "advantage" which you had no power over.

Meanwhile a child on your shoulders would force you to collapse.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
[You're only "advantage" which you had no power over.

Meanwhile a child on your shoulders would force you to collapse.

I think finishing high school puts me ahead, too

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm going to guess, that being that Art is about 25-30 pounds heavier than me and has lifted for a while and is also youger, I'm sure he can put up at least some solid numbers.

I mean, I don't think the average lifter is going to put up much more than a 300/400/500 type lift. I've lifted some big/bigger numbers before and still put up close to them. I see no reason why a younger, physically bigger guy couldn't.

Not trying to defend him much, because he can be Uncle Rico, but I don't doubt he can move some decent weight.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

As long as the child was saved from a burning building it's ok tho.

10/09/14 12:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
It's funny watching ob1 think he's finally on the offensive
hahahaha exactly!

Not only am I challenging you to post this proof you claim you've posted...I'm now calling you a liar.

But hey...deflect. Make fun, laugh and completely avoid the fact that you're being called out by multiple members and your ONLY high five buddy wears skinny jeans and couldn't lift a tuna can more than once.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Uncle rico Lmao.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
As long as the child was saved from a burning building it's ok tho.

Wayne has given us some of our best memes... For that, we should all be thankful.

10/09/14 12:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
I think finishing high school puts me ahead, too
Wishful thinking, knock knee

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Ob1 calling someone a liar

Is this real life

Badass out

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Look, I can't help that I'm the one.

10/09/14 12:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
Ob1 calling someone a liar

Is this real life

Badass out
If only even a single "lie" you thought I lied about was a lie.

Well, we do have you both. Although Art never lies daily like you do.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:49 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

So many e-adversaries, so little intellect

"You're all liars!!!"

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:50 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?

10/09/14 12:50 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You're the one claiming I'm a liar but couldn't possibly mention a single proven lie. ;\)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
You're the one claiming I'm a liar but couldn't possibly mention a single proven lie. ;\)

Wall tiles

Seek that internet validation

10/09/14 12:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
Mine has always gone up as I weight my pullups and do deads. I cross grip the "heavy set" but I have a rule that if I can't grip the first sets then I am not ready to go up.

10/09/14 12:52 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
You're the one claiming I'm a liar but couldn't possibly mention a single proven lie. ;\)

Wall tiles

Seek that internet validation
Still waiting on a lie, since you claimed I was a liar.

Wall tiles isn't it.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
cling desperately to 10 year old e-grudges

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
cling desperately to 10 year old e-grudges

Badass out

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
cling desperately to 10 year old e-grudges
holy shit

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
cling desperately to 10 year old e-grudges

But foreal...

Cross grip? Straps?

I would take this to the FF, but this thread is is hot right now and I'm genuinely interested in addressing this.

I'm to the point where both hands are significantly weak (surgery on both wrists). I have the 3 rubber grip rings (I think Johnso initially mentioned them). I'm starting back on them and also just hanging for time. It's pretty frustrating. I can only do about 5 pullups until I feel failure coming on with my grip and due to the wrist I don't like to push it.

10/09/14 12:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
cling desperately to 10 year old strength numbers
Likely the best way

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 12:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

third stress leave incoming

10/09/14 12:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
cling desperately to 10 year old e-grudges

But foreal...

Cross grip? Straps?

I would take this to the FF, but this thread is is hot right now and I'm genuinely interested in addressing this.

I'm to the point where both hands are significantly weak (surgery on both wrists). I have the 3 rubber grip rings (I think Johnso initially mentioned them). I'm starting back on them and also just handing for time. It's pretty frustrating. I can only do about 5 pullups until I feel failure coming on with my grip and due to the wrist I don't like to push it.
I won't try and comment on your wrist surgeries and how to handle that.

I don't use straps at all. I forgot that I also shrug much heavier weight than DL...that's also cross grip.

Cross grip being right hand under and left hand over on DL.

10/09/14 12:58 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
third stress leave incoming

To dumb to realize WHY I leave when I leave.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

you leave because of the way you act here.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This is the best thread we have had in months - good show, boys! Keep it up!!

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Grip strength - I just do everything I can without straps. Once I'm done my deads, I move to shrugs and exhaust my grip on purpose. Only then I'll use straps to concentrate on the shrug. After shrugs, I'll just do a couple sets of wrist curls.

Also, buy some rubber grip trainers off amazon. Use them a couple times per week.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
you leave because of the way you act here.

10/09/14 01:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
Grip strength - I just do everything I can without straps. Once I'm done my deads, I move to shrugs and exhaust my grip on purpose.
Basically this is how I roll.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
but to actually ask for videos of him running 4 minute miles, backwards, with 10 burning babies on his back is a little crazy
time for him to produce the goods.

hes taking the "it was all trolling" stance now?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
Grip strength - I just do everything I can without straps. Once I'm done my deads, I move to shrugs and exhaust my grip on purpose. Only then I'll use straps to concentrate on the shrug. After shrugs, I'll just do a couple sets of wrist curls.

Also, buy some rubber grip trainers off amazon. Use them a couple times per week.

Although the surgery fucked me up, I think straps in the past had a lot to do with my shitty grip right now.

At first I used gloves because my hands would get tore up, then straps b/c I wasn't a fan of gloves....then I never looked back. I plan to use straps much less moving forward. I may do gloves again, but I'm just not a fan.

10/09/14 01:18 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

If you can't do gloves I recommend wrapping the bar with tennis wrap to prevent skin damage or pain. It'll absorb your sweat...unless you're in a gym, in which case you're fucked. I wear gloves and I still get my skin rolled and worn.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I don't use gloves, but the heavy deads do hurt the hands a bit. I should buy chalk or something similar. Even gripping a bar where someone used chalk before is much easier.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
cling desperately to 10 year old strength numbers
Likely the best way
you yearn so badly for somebody to think you're better than me

10/09/14 01:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?
cling desperately to 10 year old strength numbers
Likely the best way
you yearn so badly for somebody to think you're better than me
Um...I've already stated your strength in your "not working out" form was probably stronger than I am now.

Not sure what you mean by "better than you". I'm just calling you out.

Deflect as you will and try to make this about me.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?

farmer walks, pull ups, bent over rows, rowing in general, deadlifts, static holds of weight, rack pulls with a pause, chest supported rows with a pause, etc, etc, etc no straps of course.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 01:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

stop using gloves.

(Post Master Sr)
10/09/14 01:57 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Srsly, what's the best way to improve my grip strength?

Towel or rope pullups, weighted if need be.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:01 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Shrugs are awesome for grip strength. Also, use chalk instead of gloves.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

My "not working out form" lol

This is a hall of fame thread

10/09/14 02:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You've been called out.

You're not answering the call.

You're claiming you've posted vids that only you have seen.

This is an epic thread.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

OB1 is all over Art today!


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm just going to say how fucking awesome it is to be back in the gym after a year+ leave. Worked out at home a bit but no serious weights, well almost no weights at all actually (mostly pushups/pullups, ect.) so I'm feeling good this past month. #feelsbro

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

you're probably still shredded so that's all that matters lol.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
but to actually ask for videos of him running 4 minute miles, backwards, with 10 burning babies on his back is a little crazy
time for him to produce the goods.

hes taking the "it was all trolling" stance now?
says the guy who could never even produce pics

People are calling me out on fitness and strength? Holy shit is there even someone who looks better than me or is bigger than me right now? I'm confused. We have a chubby guy, a mini-man who recently found fitness and an old time fitness troll who never produced pictures calling ME out? A guy who has the most individual pictures and videos of any member of the forum?


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Heh, thanks, I'd like to think so. My diet is pretty..clean, I guess, normally so even not working out at all I'm not a risk really to gain any unnecessary weight. Just would start looking a little on the 'soft' side. Just feels good to toss some weights around now. I need to eat more though, would love to put on 20 pounds.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

except Ive posted them multiple times including the original fitness thread(which we have been through many times). But nice deflection attempt rico.

make with the vids mariusz. lets see that world class strength.

Still waiting for you at the border too. Im cold and lonely.

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

We have a chubby guy, a mini-man who recently found fitness and an old time fitness troll who never produced pictures calling ME out?

who moved this thread, it's too funny to be banished over here!

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This thread should be titled "if Art hurt your feelings raise your hand"

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

So its official. 137 is stronger than you.

10/09/14 02:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
a mini-man who recently found fitness
4+yrs is no longer recent.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Link to Euphoric pics/vids? I've been here a while with no recollection of them.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
So its official. 137 is stronger than you.
not even close

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Link to Euphoric pics/vids? I've been here a while with no recollection of them.
/tags Lewis in

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:25 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
So its official. 137 is stronger than you.
not even close

prove it peter pan

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:26 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
So its official. 137 is stronger than you.
not even close

must hurt right in the feels a guy almost 10 years older than you lifts more. but hey you're a LARGE HUMAN so you got that going for you.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

10 years? I figured you and Art were similar in age.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
So its official. 137 is stronger than you.
not even close

must hurt right in the feels a guy almost 10 years older than you lifts more. but hey you're a LARGE HUMAN so you got that going for you.
you want so badly for that to be true

Btw I'm 29

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
prove it

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

the biggest loud mouth is deflecting and side stepping here. Not surprised.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

10/29/84. My 20s are gone soon.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
the biggest loud mouth is deflecting and side stepping here. Not surprised.

Are you saying you want a shot at the title?

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
10/29/84. My 20s are gone soon.
my birthday is in November \:\(

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

it's okay, we'll just draw an invisible line in the forum "people who lift, and people who think they lift because kale gives them vascular pumps"

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
the biggest loud mouth is deflecting and side stepping here. Not surprised.
I've posted more pics and videos than anyone

My size and physique is no secret mr "I posted pictures in 2005 you must of missed them though"

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I could go look up your youtube channel right now if it still exists and only find your drinking videos and maybe the one of you jumping up a 3ft brick wall while your girlfriend at the time declared you an idiot.

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

What good is deadlifting 525lbs if you can't play hopscotch with your kids?

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

says the guy who brings me up at random because of years of hurt feelings

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

oh nevermind I found some of your recent bench footage art... "I posted on the forums my best lift to date back in 2005 when I won the title of csi's fitness forum about 720, going for 725 today"

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:37 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
I could go look up your youtube channel right now if it still exists and only find your drinking videos and maybe the one of you jumping up a 3ft brick wall while your girlfriend at the time declared you an idiot.
she was a skank

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:39 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
What good is deadlifting 525lbs if you can't play hopscotch with your kids?

did I appear hurt to you? don't you have some kind of scandal involving someone elses business to be involved in?

or better yet how does one play hopscotch with their kids when their wife ends up getting custody while you increase your post count?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I guy I know from my hometown/highschool can bench press 700+ lbs 5 inches off his chest. To some, that's a huge deal.

10/09/14 02:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
oh nevermind I found some of your recent bench footage art... "I posted on the forums my best lift to date back in 2005 when I won the title of csi's fitness forum about 720, going for 725 today"
lol this is how its done.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 02:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
10/29/84. My 20s are gone soon.

My wife's birthday is 10/29! *high five*

norcal skim
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Tennis Perv
What good is deadlifting 525lbs if you can't play hopscotch with your kids?

did I appear hurt to you? don't you have some kind of scandal involving someone elses business to be involved in?

or better yet how does one play hopscotch with their kids when their wife ends up getting custody while you increase your post count?

Dude I'm just playing. You don't have to throw me under the bus throw the bus under me.

10/09/14 03:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

So we're all in agreement? Art is avoiding and 137 is stronger than Art?

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:11 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I don't even believe Art is a real human being.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
I don't even believe Art is a real human being.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Lol at OB1 reaching for validation

Hey OB1 why don't you send another PM I can ignore

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

So many people in here need to

10/09/14 03:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm not longer asking for proof. You've proven when backed against a corner that you won't produce shit.

As for a PM...meh, was just saying thanks for the advice. You can't ignore a thanks. You read it, you own it. It's yours forever.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
I don't even believe Art is a real human being.
So you're saying Artificial lifeform? \:\|

10/09/14 03:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
So many people in here need to

Art was talking made shit to running members as recently as 2-3 months ago. If he kept his bullshit to just the lifting posts that'd be fine.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:24 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
oh nevermind I found some of your recent bench footage art... "I posted on the forums my best lift to date back in 2005 when I won the title of csi's fitness forum about 720, going for 725 today"

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

So many people I've upset so many


(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

did you even watch the video?

10/09/14 03:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
did you even watch the video?

Haven't you been paying attention? He doesn't do ANYTHING he says he does.

10/09/14 03:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
So many people I've upset so many


Yep You're funny, but the joke gets old.
I know it's thrilling to see you have an impact on others, but most people get over that around age...4.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 03:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm's still funny

10/09/14 03:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
I'm's still funny

Ampsman in Extremis
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 04:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Link to Euphoric pics/vids? I've been here a while with no recollection of them.
/tags Lewis in

Euphoric pics do not exist and never have.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 10:45 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

My nigga tho

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 11:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

there's that one swim meet pic. that's it. I've been here 14 fucking years and he's been saying the same thing since like 01

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 11:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 11:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
there's that one swim meet pic. that's it. I've been here 14 fucking years and he's been saying the same thing since like 01
that and that one cropped traps pic and that one wake boarding pic

That's literally it though besides his HS yearbook picture

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 11:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

But with decades of mouth

(Post Master Supreme)
10/09/14 11:39 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I thought nothing existed? Now you magically remember something?

you are one to talk lel mouth. still waiting on that video showing youre stronger than 137.

10/10/14 07:28 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
But with decades of mouth
So which is it?

People need to own up and put up or shut up? Or run their mouths without backup? You're riding both sides of the fence here.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 08:04 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I thought nothing existed? Now you magically remember something?

You sure hung around the fitness thread and forum posting critiques without posting any selfies though. There's a decade worth of photos of me on the forum and I'm sure saved to your girls hard drive too.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 08:16 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 08:28 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym


Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 10:45 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
there's that one swim meet pic. that's it. I've been here 14 fucking years and he's been saying the same thing since like 01

yup, but according to OB1 he is one of the strongest here LAWL

10/10/14 10:51 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
there's that one swim meet pic. that's it. I've been here 14 fucking years and he's been saying the same thing since like 01

yup, but according to OB1 he is one of the strongest here LAWL
I guess I assumed he was still a strong guy. I've seen one pic and he looked like a truck. Had no idea it was "old".

10/10/14 10:59 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
But with decades of mouth

Only 5 years of the same for you, right?

Risky Business
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 11:20 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Risky Business
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
there's that one swim meet pic. that's it. I've been here 14 fucking years and he's been saying the same thing since like 01

yup, but according to OB1 he is one of the strongest here LAWL
I guess I assumed he was still a strong guy. I've seen one pic and he looked like a truck. Had no idea it was "old".

He is stronger than your average bear, one of the strongest here? lel

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 12:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: dirtyS13drifta
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
But with decades of mouth

Only 5 years of the same for you, right?
first posted in the fitness thread in 05 and was the biggest then. Same as now.

Who's bigger?

Certainly not your cross eyed marsupial looking ass

(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 12:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
the biggest loud mouth is deflecting and side stepping here. Not surprised.

Are you saying you want a shot at the title?

Was that a Lethal Weapon reference?

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 12:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

That was a my new haircut reference lol

10/10/14 05:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

So no proof from art after all this

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 06:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Maximus
So no proof from art after all this
the years of pictures and videos aren't enough?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 06:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Srsly...are you stronger than Wayne right now?

I'd venture to say you'd crush him on bench, but the other 2 big lifts could be close.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 06:30 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yes, I am.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/10/14 06:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

And yes, especially on bench and OHP

10/11/14 11:14 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: Maximus
So no proof from art after all this
the years of pictures and videos aren't enough?

The only person who has seen them is you apparently.

And things change over years. Thats the entire point.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 11:40 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Things do change but, one thing remains constant...I'm a large and jacked dude who is far more athletic than you and can beat you in any measure of physicality devised.

10/11/14 12:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Deflection again.

Mysterious videos.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 01:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
And yes, ONLY on bench and OHP

(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 02:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

This thread seems nice.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 04:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
Things do change but, one thing remains constant...I'm a large and jacked dude who is far more athletic than you and can beat you in any measure of physicality devised.


nobody self fellates here like ob1

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 04:25 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
And yes, ONLY on bench and OHP
I could out dead lift you and dunk on you.

Unless I suffer a horrible injury you will never achieve

(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 04:29 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'll fly art out to settle this

donut contest

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 06:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
I'll fly art out to settle this

donut contest
you buy I fly

Edit - plus I need at least 5 drinks per hour

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 06:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

My brother solved the no gym for home dilemma.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 06:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Is that a 7 foot wall climb?

I climb the gunks. No rope. In the winter. Handstrength

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 08:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Mostly for the kids, but you can have small/difficult holds and stay low to the ground.

10/11/14 08:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Solid setup.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 09:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Hey guys, here's a pic of me with my All Natural lifting club.

I'm in front.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
10/11/14 11:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Solid setup.

Even better is the badass trails right outside their door. Just did 7 miles and am now drinking beer and eating pizza from the brewery down the road. Life is goooood.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 12:15 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm also drinking. True story.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 11:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
 Originally Posted By: 137
 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
And yes, ONLY on bench and OHP
I could out dead lift you and dunk on you.

Unless I suffer a horrible injury you will never achieve

I'll be waiting little man. It's cool that in your hayday you were the strongest and biggest, now you spend most of your time huffing your lungs at wrongdoers for a living. Probably couldn't run up and down a court now if you wanted to.

10/12/14 12:55 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
Solid setup.

Even better is the badass trails right outside their door. Just did 7 miles and am now drinking beer and eating pizza from the brewery down the road. Life is goooood.


(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 02:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Wayne talking about running

1/2 off donuts! let's go

(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 02:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6

Wayne talking about running

1/2 off donuts! let's go

I'm not as fast as the people who only train running, but I think doing a 10k (actually a hair further) in a few minutes over an hour is pretty good for someone sitting at 200lbs. (posted the proof plenty of times as well.)

(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 02:07 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

well fuck it lets go run

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 08:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

In my hayday? Lol

There are recent pictures of me on this forum right now.

Little man?

I'm way bigger than you

Listen bitch tits, you're barking up the wrong tree.

10/12/14 08:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

No, he's right. I'll bet you money he is stronger in squat and DL than you are.

But you'll deflect and lie like the fuck that you are. \:\/

Mysterious videos!!

10/12/14 08:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

2 things.

This idiot can't even operate a camera phone. And he hasn't done shrugs in years.

Yeah, he did some curls to pump the arms before a pic (hence the shaky pics) and he has pecs. But nothing here looks like you have been lifting much recently.

This is what I suspect is your genetically normal look is. Nothing to see here.

 Originally Posted By: Art Time Lover
"Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe winning can happen by accident"

Week two begins.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 08:41 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

The funniest part would be if you were standing next to me

10/12/14 08:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm sure you're used to standing alone without company.

Post all those videos you say exist bro?

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 09:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Post yourself standing next to a normal sized door

(Post Master Supreme)
10/12/14 11:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I get this whole thing, I do but I don't think this is a paper tiger here.

Guy is 6'3" and is clearly in shape. He thinks he's a brick wall, but can we stop pretending the rest of these lifting accomplishments are untouchable?

So call him out, that's fair, but don't assume because a video isn't posted immediately, he's weak. I've dled 500 and squatted 405. Benched 330 and chin upswith 45s strapped to my waist. I do 90-95% of that today, then run 8 miles with sprints.

Keep reality in check.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 12:20 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
I get this whole thing, I do but I don't think this is a paper tiger here.

Guy is 6'3" and is clearly in shape. He thinks he's a brick wall, but can we stop pretending the rest of these lifting accomplishments are untouchable?

Who said they were?

So call him out, that's fair, but don't assume because a video isn't posted immediately, he's weak.

It's not that anyone thinks he's weak, I don't think arts weak. Not in the least bit, even if he's not able to throw up his ole ballgame numbers during a pickup lifting session fuck at least show you are capable of 75 percent of the strength your internet mouth has.

I've dled 500 and squatted 405. Benched 330 and chin upswith 45s strapped to my waist. I do 90-95% of that today, then run 8 miles with sprints.

Right, but you don't pop up anywhere telling anyone how much better than them you are, and you look like a manlet tank as well so you probably would be capable of doing that still if you didn't run so godamned much. But that's what you enjoy, and there is nothing wrong with that either.

Plus you've constantly mentioned that you have some previous injuries that prevent you from ever getting close to those numbers again, on top of the fact you've never once said you're capable right now to drop what you're doing, head down into the garage and hit those numbers.

Art can do all of those things, throw the touchdown hail mary and run to catch it without breaking a sweat all with kale pumps

Keep reality in check.

We're trying to, do keep throwing fuel on the fire or duck out if you don't want to stay for the show.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 12:32 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I'm so glad I'm not strong enough, don't run enough and don't swim enough to get into any of these contests.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 12:38 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I've never used a injury as an excuse. Bench 315 after shoulder surgery and do sets with 400dl (that maxes my iron).

Surgery was a fix, never an excuse. It's not a contest, so everyone stop claiming victory. Honestly, eating and gaining strength is the easy part.

I'm not fucking Al Bundy. But some people are becoming so anti-Art, their acting exactly the same.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 01:31 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

End of the day, could care less, will continue to make gains and continue to be berated by a guy with no proof he's capable of such other than his nice chest and height. And if I ever got peeled all he would have at this point is his height.

10/13/14 08:15 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I said multiple times there's no denying that he's strong and large.

I just don't even know if the guy really even lifts anymore or that he lifts heavy. I seriously doubt that he needs to run his mouth the way he does.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 08:45 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

And if I ever got peeled
yeah right

10/13/14 08:58 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art and Soul
And if I ever got peeled
yeah right
I agree...the chances of that are much like the chances of you actually proving that you can DL or SQ the numbers that you say you can beat.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 09:09 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Raise your hand if you want to address me in the fitness forum.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 09:16 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

some people are becoming so anti-Art
Only people who I have scarred emotionally.

10/13/14 09:29 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You haven't scarred me at all. In fact you have helped me on occasion. I have never doubted that you know how to do all of this (I've said many times that it isn't rocket science)...but your mouth is tired and I am convinced you can't back up your talk physically anymore. I'm sure you could if you got back to work tho.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 09:30 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

you can't back up your talk physically anymore.
I'm 29 years old dude

10/13/14 09:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

And? I've seen pics from when you were like 20 and built. It's a far cry from the pics you posted recently.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 09:36 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

That is false

10/13/14 09:38 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

When you're done comparing them privately to make sure, then repost the younger Art jacked pics.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 09:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Sure thing. This is the very first picture of myself I posted ever on CSi.

2005ish OG fitness thread

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 09:55 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Those are random. I could post glamor shots too spanning the same time frame.

You were saying something though?

10/13/14 09:57 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You came a long way...I haven't seen the first pic before.

That're more fit in the 2nd to last pic. Your core is clearly stronger there.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 09:59 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Except for the fact that I'm stronger now...

My chest is shaved and I have a tan in the 2nd to last pic versus all natural in the last.

That's 2008/9 versus two months ago btw

10/13/14 10:06 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Hard to believe. You core is clearly flared way more in 2008. Shoulders look bigger too.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 10:34 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

lol at the picture analysis.

I'll rule on this right now: Art looks about the same with a vastly different lighting setup and body hair setup for the photos. If anything, he looks a little leaner as he's not a child any more and likely has his diet cleaned up compared to a 20 year old's "diet."

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 10:55 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

How can I work on my core flaring?

10/13/14 11:42 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
I'm so glad I'm not strong enough, don't run enough and don't swim enough to get into any of these contests.

Isn't that the point? Arts entire position is that he's superior simply because he's theoretically bigger and stronger or even leaner. He demands respect off of this alone.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 12:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Damn son, you were puffy. How much did you weigh in that first pic?

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 12:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Silock
I'm so glad I'm not strong enough, don't run enough and don't swim enough to get into any of these contests.

Isn't that the point? Arts entire position is that he's superior simply because he's theoretically bigger and stronger or even leaner. He demands respect off of this alone.
I don't demand anything.

there is no "theoretical" anything. I'm nearly 6'4" and I'm a lean jacked 220 pounds. I'm literally the size of an NFL linebacker. Deal with it son.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 12:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 98V-TeC
Damn son, you were puffy. How much did you weigh in that first pic?
lol yeah I was a little hefty my first year of college

I think I was 242 pounds in that picture. There are more, I used to have all the pictures saved but I'm having trouble finding them all now.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 12:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yet OB1 the geneticist has said many times that my "genes" keep me lean and "my genetic size" etc

Of course, he only just started fitness so he was unaware of the pictures of me back in the day at a hefty 240-250 pounds.

The old picture of me with the backwards hat was my leanest @ a crazy ripped 207

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 12:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
I'm so glad I'm not strong enough, don't run enough and don't swim enough to get into any of these contests.

I'm not trying to be the best at exercising!!!

10/13/14 01:14 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art and Soul
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Silock
I'm so glad I'm not strong enough, don't run enough and don't swim enough to get into any of these contests.

Isn't that the point? Arts entire position is that he's superior simply because he's theoretically bigger and stronger or even leaner. He demands respect off of this alone.
I don't demand anything.

there is no "theoretical" anything. I'm nearly 6'4" and I'm a lean jacked 220 pounds. I'm literally the size of an NFL linebacker. Deal with it son.
All that matters is lifting % VS BW...not your genetic size.

if you're 6-4, 220 and only benching 220 then you're no better than a 5-5, 130 guy benching 130.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 01:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

If that makes you feel better

10/13/14 01:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Its true. That is why there are weight classes in all respective sports to strength and size. Including lifting.

Again...2 different size people reaching their BW on bench have accomplished the same thing...regardless of their respective bench numbers.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 01:39 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

If that makes you feel better about your diminutive stature

10/13/14 01:47 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It does. Because its true. All your mouth and average results relative to your size doesn't change a thing.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 01:59 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

blah blah blah

I'm much bigger and stronger than you. In fact, I'm sure a lot of people are. Learn to cope.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 02:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I just wanted to pull a clubsi and let you guys know I'm done with this thread, I'll be in my little thread down there lifting weights. continue on with the dick measuring.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 02:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art and Soul
If that makes you feel better about your diminutive stature

You've unlocked the key to the universe

10/13/14 02:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art and Soul
blah blah blah

I'm much bigger and stronger than you. In fact, I'm sure a lot of people are. Learn to cope.
You're making the assumption that I care that your bench and squat numbers are higher. I don't.

I care about %'s and where I fall within them. Based on that I suspect you're no more successful than me. By your logic I should talk shit to every woman and child out there...because I'm stronger than all of them.
 Originally Posted By: ManEaterVR6
 Originally Posted By: Art and Soul
If that makes you feel better about your diminutive stature

You've unlocked the key to the universe
You shouldn't talk...the only strength standards you're competitive on are in the womens tables...regardless of weight and size.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 02:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Report back when you get a result

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 02:08 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You care about %s because you're basically a dwarf and you need to find some sliding scale that can give you a false sense of measuring up

10/13/14 02:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I care because anyone not stupid understands weight class.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 10:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Sure, I understand weight class but, this isn't a handicapped drag race or golf tourney. There's a bar with weight on it, I move more of it than you. If I punched you in the chest you would most likely die.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/13/14 10:33 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
I get this whole thing, I do but I don't think this is a paper tiger here.

Guy is 6'3" and is clearly in shape. He thinks he's a brick wall, but can we stop pretending the rest of these lifting accomplishments are untouchable?

So call him out, that's fair, but don't assume because a video isn't posted immediately, he's weak. I've dled 500 and squatted 405. Benched 330 and chin upswith 45s strapped to my waist. I do 90-95% of that today, then run 8 miles with sprints.

Keep reality in check.

But see, you're a large male too. You can bench 3 plates, dead 500 pounds and run 10 miles and not have to have a blog, youtube channel, avatar, etc all about it. And, no homo, you look the part too. And, much like me, before you leaned out you were just large but still hefty.

It's like wolfsburg too. He's always been able to out bench me. I think he repped my max like 3-4 times. (365)

10/14/14 07:48 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art and Soul
Sure, I understand weight class but, this isn't a handicapped drag race or golf tourney. There's a bar with weight on it, I move more of it than you. If I punched you in the chest you would most likely die.
You're talking two different things.

All weight lifting is about is personal achievement. That is where weight class comes in. Comparing head to head is for nothing. It's not is if people ever really do anything with all the weight they push, so its all for personal goals.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/14/14 08:36 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym


(Post Master Sr)
10/19/14 11:26 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I am clearly the hottest guy in here

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/19/14 03:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: TexasSI
I am clearly the hottest guy in here

(Post Master Sr)
10/19/14 04:02 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art and Soul
 Originally Posted By: TexasSI
I am clearly the hottest guy in here


(Post Master Supreme)
10/19/14 04:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 01:51 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
You can also smell when someone is on a cycle as well. Pretty easily I might add.

do tell...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 01:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

deca is known for making you hold water and is not a typical cutting drug... dbol definitely holds water and you'll gain weight hella fast... but fucking with orals is risky, moreso than pinning...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 01:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
It's usually obvious if they are juicing. There is a certain thickness where someone doesn't really get to naturally. It is very common to see a bloated looking gut too. They can have a 6-pack, but their stomachs stick out quite a bit.

Many people are just used to years of Muscle and Fitness with a jacked guy on the cover claiming to be all natural when he was anything but, so they think people can look like that with just hard work/diet.

I think juicing is just becoming incredibly common now too. My wife works with a guy who has a scrawny SO. He just deciding one day he was going to juice and workout lol Ares.

 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
Or they're just popping dbols like it's going out of style, lol. There are all kinds of good steroids that don't bloat you up (Deca, Winstrol, etc) that will also help you get pretty cut. I think a lot of guys don't take the time to do things properly.

This is one of the reason it never insterested me. I have no clue what to do. Plus, like most illegal things, I'd have to find a dealer for it and trust the product was safe.

bloated gut is likely from GH and especially insulin use... you're going hard core if you're pinning slin on the daily though...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: LNXGUY
 Originally Posted By: Flipped
lol better sex drive while losing your hardon and shrinking your nuts. That sounds like torture.

How are you losing your hardon with all that extra blood volume (up to 20% if I'm not mistaken?) Magic? You fuck like a porn star when on the sauce, ask the guys that have done it
Maybe for some.

But while others are using them to get lean too, their body also shuts down "nonessential functions".

And there's this.
Much has been mentioned about the effects steroids have on the body. When taken in high amounts, steroids cause the testosterone level to fluctuate and this can lead to a number of sexual dysfunctions including erectile dysfunction. This is so because the body produces hormones similar to steroids in the reproductive organ of a man.

When steroids are used it tends to cause the body to stop producing the hormones and this will lead, in some men, to a temporary if not full loss of the ability to have and keep an erection.

If you run high test, you're going to conversely run high estrogen as it aromitizes... You'll need to run a good AI to combat the high estrogen...

Some compounds will shut your dick down, but not for every user... Test alone surely isn't going to shut your dick down, unless you are half a pussy and your body hates test and just converts it to estrogen and you grow some titties...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
Ob1, you're using steroids as a blanket term for everything. Each steroid produces different positive and negative side effects. Some steroids make you very sexually active such as testosterone, some decrease your sex drive such as deca. Each one is completely different than the other

To say steroids do this, or steroids do that makes absolutely no sense at all

deca is hit or miss with the user... i've had no ill effects from it, but I have heard others who have...

tren is hit or miss with the libido as well... either fuck like a porn star, or the dick stops working... lol... probably not a good thing when your libido is high, you're on tren so you're more irritable to begin with and no pussy on top of that...?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:06 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
Seriously though, could you outline a typical "cycle". I'm curious as to how much, how often, how long, how many things.

500mg test per week split into two shots...
10mg Aromasin e4d or AS NEEDED...

That's a typical starter cycle and you will see results quickly...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:09 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: WNDYCTYone
I didn't think any oral steroid would fall into a "safe(est)" category, hmm. That's interesting.

they don't... they should only be incorporated in by experienced users and liver support should be taken surely... 4 weeks max on orals... a lot of people jumpstart a cycle with dbol so gains come quick until the oils start to build up in the system...

oh and if you're scared to pin yourself don't even bother...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:10 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Flipped
 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
 Originally Posted By: President Dope!

links for both pls.

Interesting. Is this something you can use for intermittent cycles or are the gains lost when you go off?

if you're going to do it right you don't go off... you blast and cruise... never going off test...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:13 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Joeyballs
Its generally not advised to take liver support supplements when on a cycle.

taking things like milk thistle when taking orals is not a bad thing... You can wait tip after you come off the orals but that's 4 weeks of damage you're doing to your liver...

oh and if you DRINK, please don't be a moron and use orals...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Euphoric
 Originally Posted By: CrazeD_Z06

He looks natural to me.
clearly you have NO clue.

lol no shit... yeah that's totally natural... lolololol

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: TexasSI
Going back a bit...
So should I not waste my whole life trying to achieve traps/shoulders like that huge mf on page 9. Is it really a matter of juicing. I pound and work on shoulders HARD and have yet to get them any where close to my ears. Sad if no...but I definitely recognize the cheaters at the gym now lol. If no juice, genetics. I need them

trap insertions are genetic... and if they don't insert high on your neck you ain't gonna get that look bro...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 02:43 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

oh drugs are bad kids, do not do them...

brb going to attempt 325 bench... #rip

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 05:15 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Youre juicing now?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 06:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


I'm old enough that trying to make any more gains naturally is futile... I've been plateaued at 295 for so long and was unable to hit 300 for months on end...

Just hit a 320 tonight...

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 07:03 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


Whats your cycle like?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 08:53 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Ran 8 weeks of test-c 500mg

Added deca at week 9 600mg and upped test to 750mg cause running deca you should run higher test...

I'm in week 10, went from 212-232 over that period but have been hovering around 231-232 last 4 weeks and an likely recomping on my current intake around 4k cals...

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/20/14 09:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: DieZel
Ran 8 weeks of test-c 500mg

Added deca at week 9 600mg and upped test to 750mg cause running deca you should run higher test...

I'm in week 10, went from 212-232 over that period but have been hovering around 231-232 last 4 weeks and an likely recomping on my current intake around 4k cals...
damn you must be large now thats almost 15 pounds more thsn me

Good stuff

(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 09:28 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Holy fuck Diezel, you must be a monster now! Pics.

The Mighty BellRacer
(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 12:11 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: DieZel
Ran 8 weeks of test-c 500mg

Added deca at week 9 600mg and upped test to 750mg cause running deca you should run higher test...

I'm in week 10, went from 212-232 over that period but have been hovering around 231-232 last 4 weeks and an likely recomping on my current intake around 4k cals...

so, for someone who knows nothing about juicing, do you maintain the gains that you get if you get off of the sauce? that's a pretty serious change to your body composition in a short time. is it sustainable without the chemicals?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 01:29 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Short answer: Not really. A little bit, but the majority goes away with the juice.

(Post Master Sr)
10/22/14 01:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
Short answer: Not really. A little bit, but the majority goes away with the juice.

Wouldn't it be more dependent on the type of weight gained and the speed it was gained? That is, if someone blows up on anadrol, high test, deca, and who knows what else, he would be more likely to lose a good bit of the weight than the guy that runs lower test, masteron, and anavar?

(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 01:48 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: DieZel
Ran 8 weeks of test-c 500mg

Added deca at week 9 600mg and upped test to 750mg cause running deca you should run higher test...

I'm in week 10, went from 212-232 over that period but have been hovering around 231-232 last 4 weeks and an likely recomping on my current intake around 4k cals...
hmm notbadobama.

in for update pics of treebeard diezel

(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 01:49 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
Short answer: Not really. A little bit, but the majority goes away with the juice.
majority? eh... A lot of variables going on. cant conclusively say " majority" imo.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 02:12 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yes, wayy too many. Do it correctly (while on, then post cycle) and the losses will be minimal.

I've seen guys go off, lose the bloat, flatten out a little and look even more jacked when they were on. They did it correctly. Then you have the kids who swell up on orals, eat like shit, then slack off a ton post cycle because they can't move the weight they once did. This is the recipe for failure and major losses. It was all too common while I was in college.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 03:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yes, it's true there are lots of variables. Perhaps "most" was the wrong way to word it.

A better way would be that if you have already reached your potential as a natural, gains made beyond your natural limits will be increasingly difficult to maintain off-cycle.

I fully admit to not being a steroid expert. From the research I've done and guys I've talked to about it, you're going to keep more of the muscle if you train and eat smartly if you haven't yet reached your potential. Older guys that have been training for decades that decide to do a cycle have a much more difficult time keeping it when they're off, simply because they don't have the ability to train off cycle like they do on cycle and can't keep it.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 10:36 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

It's still an illegal drug though.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 11:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: BellRacer
 Originally Posted By: DieZel
Ran 8 weeks of test-c 500mg

Added deca at week 9 600mg and upped test to 750mg cause running deca you should run higher test...

I'm in week 10, went from 212-232 over that period but have been hovering around 231-232 last 4 weeks and an likely recomping on my current intake around 4k cals...

so, for someone who knows nothing about juicing, do you maintain the gains that you get if you get off of the sauce? that's a pretty serious change to your body composition in a short time. Ois it sustainable without the chemicals?

You will lose some weight after a blast but if you "do it right" you're going to cruise on a low test dude and you can continue to make gains even while not "on cycle"...

The guys you see that blow the fuck up and then shrink back down likely did it with orals, never controlled their bloat and immediately lose 20 pounds after stopping and then not doing a PCT...

I don't plan to need any post cycle therapy cause I'll still be taking a small dose of test every week before I blast off again...

(Post Master Supreme)
10/22/14 11:42 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Aren't you worried about the long-term effects of never really coming off of the drugs? That's the kind of stuff that scares me enough to stay away. I'd feel nervous even if it were monitored by a doctor, though.

(Post Master Sr)
10/23/14 08:26 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
Aren't you worried about the long-term effects of never really coming off of the drugs? That's the kind of stuff that scares me enough to stay away. I'd feel nervous even if it were monitored by a doctor, though.

Not an expert on blast and cruise, but I did stay at a holiday inn express, studied chemistry, and just got prescribed TRT and have done a ton of research on it. Yes, my total T was low at 286 and 255 ng/dL on 2 different tests. If he cruises at 200 mg/week or less, that would put him at the upper high end of the "normal" range of 348-1197 ng/dL total T. Assuming he keeps E2 in check with an AI (if necessary) and monitors his hematocrit/hemoglobin, there really isn't much risk with TRT levels of test. If hematocrit gets too high then TRT patients can donate blood. As a "recreational" user he would have to either lie about that, pay for therapeutic phlebotomy, or drain it himself. He may need 250-500 IU of hCG 2x a week to prevent testicular atrophy, if that is an issue to him. The blasting part I don't really know how that will affect overall health, I would assume it depends on which compounds are used (e.g. 17-methylated steroids are hepatotoxic and will damage the liver if used in high dosages and/or for long periods).

Starting next week I will be on 160mg 1x a week, .5mg adex 2x a week, and 500IU hCG 2x a week. I'm under supervision of a licensed physician and will be doing routine bloodwork to monitor everything.

It's Art
(Post Master Supreme)
10/23/14 08:33 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Starting next week I will be on 160mg 1x a week, .5mg adex 2x a week, and 500IU hCG 2x a week.

(Post Master Sr)
10/23/14 08:53 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Art and Soul
Starting next week I will be on 160mg 1x a week, .5mg adex 2x a week, and 500IU hCG 2x a week.

The testosterone is because I have total and free testosterone values below the normal range. Average for my age is 650-ish, I am mid to high 200's for total T. I have depression, low libido, and other issues that go along with low testosterone. I have tried Clomid and it boosted my T while on but it fell back after cessation. hCG monotherapy failed as well. The adex is to keep estrogen down and the hCG is to prevent testicular atrophy.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/23/14 11:40 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

The issue I have with bridging is that T levels are highly interindividualized. What is low for person A may be normal for person B, and vice versa. I know a lot of AS guys are very careful, and I know Diezel will be. It still just seems freaky scary to me

(Post Master Supreme)
10/23/14 11:56 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Arnold is 65, and jacked... Watch Sabotage and ask him if he's worried about long term effects. lol

10/23/14 12:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Sly is jacked. Arnold is recovering but still a sloppy version of his old self.

(Post Master Supreme)
10/23/14 12:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
Aren't you worried about the long-term effects of never really coming off of the drugs? That's the kind of stuff that scares me enough to stay away. I'd feel nervous even if it were monitored by a doctor, though.

As stated a TRT dose presents next to no health concerns aside from the possible need to donate blood from time to time... I did ALOT of research on this shit for a long time and shied away so many times but finally said fuck it and gave it a go...

I'll likely run 250mg a week for 8 weeks after I finish this blast and then add another compound I to the mix and see how I react to it... I'd say not to add multiple compounds together cause you won't know which one your body dies not like...

I didn't need any AI when I was on 500mg a week... I used it once out of sheer anxiety that I was gonna get gyno, but your mind will fuck with you... Since I've upped my dose I'm taking the AI just to control my water... Seems to be working as my weight stabilized and have actually started leaving out just a smidge while eating at maintenance cals...

(Post Master Supreme)
11/10/14 06:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Started working out again this weekend. It was crazy depressing. I've worked out here and there (couple times a month - every few months) but I haven't been dedicated for over two years now.

It felt good to be back. I just need to stick with it, gain momentum, and become addicted again.

Then... 2012...

Now... \:\(

(Post Master Supreme)
11/10/14 06:04 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You did that LeBron diet.

(Post Master Supreme)
11/10/14 06:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Juicing in the first pic? (no offense intended)

(Post Master Supreme)
11/10/14 06:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yeah. Tren, Test, EQ.

(Post Master Supreme)
11/10/14 06:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

The results are super impressive, but if that (bulk) were that my goal, the pussy in me would be to afraid of side effects. With my luck, something would go hideously wrong.

Cyclists were/are about the discreet testosterone patch on the ol' scrotum to help post-race recovery.

(Post Master Supreme)
11/11/14 12:11 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

my favorite excuse was I was too pussy to make gains.

(Post Master Supreme)
11/12/14 01:53 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

What kind of des age were you on in 2012...?

I take it you're just a small dude in general...?

(Post Master Sr)
11/12/14 02:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Aren't you guys afraid of getting busted? It seems to me that would be worse than some of the potential side effects. Maybe they only go after the dealers and not the users but it seems really risky.

(Post Master Supreme)
11/12/14 03:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: DieZel
What kind of des age were you on in 2012...?

I take it you're just a small dude in general...?

Yeah I'm a small guy naturally. 5'8" 150 normally - 175 when lifting (top pic)

I was on 250 Test E, 400 Tren E, 400 EQ weekly.

(Post Master Supreme)
11/13/14 09:49 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

You ever use tren-ace vs e...?

(Post Master Supreme)
11/13/14 03:54 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yeah I have in the past and I liked it. I got tired of being a pin cushion though and switched back to E. I can't hit many injection sites by myself. With no help I was left with rotating quads and delts. E gave my sites a little more rest than ace

(Post Master Supreme)
11/14/14 01:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yeah pinning eod can get to be a pita I'm sure... Just seems most people much prefer ace over e in general... I've yet to try it but likely will come March after my cruise is finished...

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
11/22/14 02:46 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

The juice is working for me, lol.
(Cross post from OT)

(Post Master Supreme)
11/22/14 03:20 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym


(Post Master Supreme)
11/22/14 03:56 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
The juice is working for me, lol.
(Cross post from OT)

In all seriousness, if you actually learned how to bench (just making your body into a more stable platform with your feet and back), you could instantly add probably 30-40 pounds to what you just did.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
11/22/14 04:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: Silock
 Originally Posted By: Mrs. Ironmom
The juice is working for me, lol.
(Cross post from OT)

In all seriousness, if you actually learned how to bench (just making your body into a more stable platform with your feet and back), you could instantly add probably 30-40 pounds to what you just did.
Dont go tempting me like that.

(Post Master Supreme)
11/22/14 04:28 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

4 srs

Look at how much energy you're wasting with the weight waving all around like that.

Sir Ironpool
(Post Master Supreme)
11/22/14 05:02 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Yeah, plus I think the bench was in the wrong spot because the bar was banging on the rest stop things too. The whole thing felt pretty ugly, but it was just a spur of the moment thing.

(Post Master Sr)
11/25/14 11:23 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Would like to start a short cycle to stack on what I feel is lacking. Just worried I'll continue once I see the gains. Some mean shouldes will make me a god.
Reluctant to ask for them, would rather be offered.

(Post Master Supreme)
11/25/14 02:40 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Once you go on, you should stay on, but that's just my opinion...

(Post Master Supreme)
11/25/14 06:44 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

your cycle cost less than the protein I eat per month *cries*

(Post Master Supreme)
12/12/14 09:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
your cycle cost less than the protein I eat per month *cries*

I don't know how much steroids cost but I wouldn't doubt they are cheaper than supplements. Uggh.

The only thing I've done is clomid but its pretty harmless (and not nearly as effective). lol

(Post Master Supreme)
12/12/14 09:38 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: 137
your cycle cost less than the donuts I eat per month *cries*

(Post Master Supreme)
07/27/17 07:06 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

 Originally Posted By: It's Art
 Originally Posted By: Impulsive
I get this whole thing, I do but I don't think this is a paper tiger here.

Guy is 6'3" and is clearly in shape. He thinks he's a brick wall, but can we stop pretending the rest of these lifting accomplishments are untouchable?

So call him out, that's fair, but don't assume because a video isn't posted immediately, he's weak. I've dled 500 and squatted 405. Benched 330 and chin upswith 45s strapped to my waist. I do 90-95% of that today, then run 8 miles with sprints.

Keep reality in check.

But see, you're a large male too. You can bench 3 plates, dead 500 pounds and run 10 miles and not have to have a blog, youtube channel, avatar, etc all about it. And, no homo, you look the part too. And, much like me, before you leaned out you were just large but still hefty.

It's like wolfsburg too. He's always been able to out bench me. I think he repped my max like 3-4 times. (365)

Just thought this was worth re-upping \:\)

07/27/17 05:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym

Well that may have been true at one time...

Linda Worsen
04/09/18 10:17 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym

I am new to fitness. I would like to know using steroids is safe or not?