(Post Master Sr)
12/29/23 07:58 AM
YRP (free) faraday pouches </OldNews>

I guess this isn't RFD, but surprised this didn't come up ...

Back in Sep '23 or so, YRP was giving away faraday pouches ... Unclear if it's still something available, but I only recently got a TikTok vid in my feed...




(Post Master Sr)
01/05/24 05:06 AM
Re: YRP (free) faraday pouches </OldNews>

I managed to snag one.

I've heard that these are typically effective at preventing the signal interception. But they had the TPS association head on the radio yesterday, and he said car jackings were sky-rocketing and that's because some of the newer key fobs use rotating codes so you need the original key to steal the car, which is reflected in the increased jackings, and home break-ins to steal keys. The other thing he mentioned is that the majority of these stolen vehicles are shipped out of country, but that CBSA only checks about 1% of the containers (lack of resources) so good luck slowing car thefts down.

(Post Master Supreme)
01/13/24 08:36 PM
Re: YRP (free) faraday pouches </OldNews>

What good are these when the thieves aren't even stealing cars via signal hijacking anymore??? LOL

Stupid YRP.