12/06/11 09:39 PM
Advice - Strength training

I'm on a program based on Starting Strength
3x5reps except DL
A: Sqt/bnch/DL
B: Sqt/Press/bent row

6 Weeks in on this program, 6 months in to touching weights again:
Seems mostly all good. Based on approximates from 5rm(well 3 set 5rm).
Sqt: 1.4 bw
Bench: 1.1bw
DL: 1.7bw
It's not big powerlifting good, but good for novice. Seems like I'm even starting to hit "intermediate" type ranges.
I'll admit I'm not 100% perfect form. I tend to be sloppy on 3rd rep and clean it back up. But overall deep sqts, chest touch bench, good stuff. I do keep trying to perfect my form at least.

So I hit my first failure on press. But I'll admit I had fucked off a bit the week before(tried not increasing in weight but reps, then jumped up weight this week). Q1I had to push-press the last 2 reps on my third set. Should I reset, pause, or just push on?

I'm about to have 3 weeks of backpacking/beaching/swimming coming up. No access to weights. What should I do about this? I'll be carry 30-40lbs for a few hours each day. Even in 2 weeks I may have to take Friday off as I have a mtn I'm going to try to summit.

Similarly I might be moving and have pretty limited time/gym access at the end of Feb. How should I keep from losing my progress, especially if I'm running a lot? Should I just keep up on the protein and lots of push ups?

q2Basically I'm looking to maintain. What's my best strategy for this with a gym? or without?

(Post Master Supreme)
12/07/11 12:07 AM
Re: Advice - Strength training

No need to reset until you miss your target weight for 3 consecutive workouts.

Question 2 I don't understand. Maintain what? You don't want to get stronger?

12/07/11 12:39 AM
Re: Advice - Strength training

 Originally Posted By: Silock
No need to reset until you miss your target weight for 3 consecutive workouts.

Question 2 I don't understand. Maintain what? You don't want to get stronger?

It's more I can't make the commitement to work out 3 times a week.
I'll be luck to make 1 a week(i literally have less than 24 hours at home between my 3 backpack trips). After that I'll be doing a lot of runs and hopefully a triathlon.
Basically yes, for a short period i'm not worrying about adding strength. I'm hoping just not to lose strength. Then around March I'll be back at it.

12/07/11 12:41 AM
Re: Advice - Strength training

 Originally Posted By: Silock
No need to reset until you miss your target weight for 3 consecutive workouts.

Question 2 I don't understand. Maintain what? You don't want to get stronger?

So go ahead and go up in weight? or Stall?

(Post Master Supreme)
12/07/11 01:48 AM
Re: Advice - Strength training

Go up in weight if that's the prescribed weight for the next workout.

If you can't make the gym for a while, just follow the prescribed workouts as you can do them. You may stall out, but you may not, either. If you do, no biggie. Just reset and continue in sequence as you can.